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[Name] had been with the Frog Brothers the whole afternoon. Frankly, she felt unnerved and frightened like a beaten dog.

She noticed one thing though.

"Does all your research about these vampires come from comic books?" [Name] questions the two brothers, who were looking through stacks of their vampiric comic books.

The truth is, Alan and Edgar couldn't explain [Name]'s sleep paralysis and the girl was beginning to realize that.

"No...of course not!" Alan pipes up, sounding rather unconvincing, turning to his brother for help.

"We're professionals at vampire slaying. There's no need to worry." Edgar roughly mutters, looking through more comics.

At least, they should be considered professionals because someone else came to the comic shop for the brothers help not too long ago before [Name].

"Of course...have you guys ever done research at the local library? I wouldn't be surprised if they have books about vampires dating back to the nineteenth century." [Name] suggested, feeling rather skeptical at the brothers' reaction.

However, instead of a verbal answer, [Name] was greeted with flabbergasted expressions coming from each brother.

"I'm assuming you guys visit the library...never. I'm willing to help research instead of sitting here. I can go to the library." [Name] proposes, hopping off the counter which she was sitting on.

"By yourself? No way, we're coming too." Edgar announces, grabbing whatever comics the boys haven't gone through yet.

"Yeah, we'll just close early today. Our parents are too high to even notice." Alan adds on, agreeing with Edgar.

"Well, if you say so." [Name] wasn't going to argue. Even if Edgar kinda smelt like corn chips, she rather have the brothers with her than not.

In all honestly, it took awhile to find the local library after asking a few locals. At least [Name] had an excuse, she just moved here but Edgar and Alan didn't.

The three of you sat at small table in reclusive corner of the library. Luckily enough, there was a few books that seemed legitimate about vampires.

[Name] was even more surprised to see that she was right. There was one book, very worn and decayed, that did date back to the early nineteenth century.

It was a practical guide to undead beasts, as the the title claimed.

"Out of all undead beasts, vampires could possibly be the most elusive. These varmints walk among humans, disguising their figures to look normal. However, the creatures commonly reveal their true nature when its evident that they will attack." [Name] read aloud, not too loudly to attract the elderly librarian lady but enough for the Frog brothers to hear.

"Well, that's obvious." Edgar scoffed, crossing his arms. Clearly corn chip boy wasn't too impressed.

"Dude, calm down. We JUST started reading this." [Name] replied back, feeling a bit exasperated. She didn't know Edgar or Alan too long but Edgar sure likes to act like he knows everything.

[Name] skimmed around the book, seeing if there was any useful information. Alan stood behind her, his head practically resting on her shoulder as he tried to read along.

Edgar, still vexing as ever, sat across [Name] with his arms still crossed.

"Hmm...vampires lures its victims with faux friendships. The fiend might invite its victim to its home for supper or even rescue you from danger of another beast..." [Name] read on, feeling more disturbed about the fact.

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