Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama

Start from the beginning

"Tell us how it was." Megan states and I start laughing. "There is nothing to tell." Why must I torture my friends? Haha

"Why are you holding out on us?" Elizabeth ask then Megan says, "give a girl some dick and she changes." We all start laughing and then I said, "there is nothing to tell because nothing happened. Cade is messing with you guys and you all fell for it. Losers."

"I see why you guys are perfect for each other. Love messing with people." Jessy chimes in and we chuckle.

"So anyways we came here to see if everything was okay from last night and if you are okay. We can see that now and we are glad everything worked out. Also we are telling you that TONIGHT is girls night and we will be doing it here." Elizabeth says and finishes with a smile.

"Can we do it tomorrow night?"

"No. You and Cade live here together, he can give us some time with you." Jessy states while looking at me.

"Its just that he's leaving for the weekend... which begins tomorrow and I just wanted time with him before he left."

"Aww that's sweet. Where is he going?" -Liz

"Home. His dad wants him to spend time and also to talk to him and Abby." I said looking at them and finish up by looking down at my fingers knotting together.

"Hold up! Did you just say with Abby?! That means she's going?" -Megan

"Yes. Please don't let it sound like that, I trust Cade and I want to keep trusting him but I can't if you talk like that."

"So why don't you go too? Doesn't his dad already like you? Maybe if you go he'll see how serious you and Cade are and not want to talk to them about marriage." -Meg

"I don't want to, I don't want the drama and he already told his dad that I wasn't going anywhere. My guess is that if he keeps telling him he'll listen."

"Alright, its both of you guys relationship, we can state our opinions not calling them advice because if anything bad happens, may the good lord forbid. We won't take the blame and you guys seem to have it figured out in some ways. Neither of us are in relationships so who are we to say anything." Megan says then we all laugh at her end statement except for Liz who is blushing.

"Actually I am seeing someone." She says with a smile on her face. "Way to go Liz. Who is he?" I said then asked.

"I'm not ready to tell you guys yet. We need to be more serious first."

"Alright we won't force you. Jessy we need to get ourselves in relationships too." Megan says and we giggle. "Well we have to leave now and get ready for our classes, we will see you later around 3:40 when we are all free."

"Okay, see you guys later then." I said and we blow air kisses at each other. They leave and I'm glad they came because Cade would surely know how much this thing affected me. I can't even eat, I'm so damn nervous about this entire thing.

Dammit Cade! Why'd you have to be the father? Sigh.

Cade's lips brush mine and there was nothing innocent about it, it was like a tease but it was hot, fiery and passionate. I wanted to pull away because we've been kissing for quiet some time under the tree where I'm always at with my friends. In this minty moment my senses have been seduced and I can no longer think straight. His tongue invaded my mouth so soothingly my body started to tremble. But I couldn't help but wonder why he was kissing me like he wasn't going to see me again.

With a wondering mind I break the kiss to look at him. He smiles and I can't help but smile back, his lips were wet, wet with our passionate kiss and I wanted more. I noticed that everyone around us was watching and I started to blush.

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