That Night

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(OMG GUYS IT HAS BEEN SO LONG BUT I HAVE BEEN WRITING MORE ON OTHER STORIES AND I DECIDED TO UPDATE THIS ONE SINCE I HAVEN TIN LIKE AN ACTUAL YEAR but like ill try to pick  up the story again, hopefully you guys will start reading it again)

(Jacob's POV)

I went to the local flower stand, snatching some red roses. As the person running the stand was cutting the stems of the roses, she asked "Big night i assume?"

I looked over at the woman, grey hair, glasses, blue eyes. "Yeah! How did you know?"

"Well, i was just assuming. Who is the lucky lady?"

I replied with, "Honestly, i am the lucky one. To have a girl like her.I feel like i don't even deserve her. But her name is Emmie. She is beautiful, wonderful, and i am trying to win her heart back."

The woman looked at me. "Sounds like you are nervous, just be yourself. I know it sounds cliche, but tend to her needs, and understand what she wants."

"Thank you, It means a lot, really." I paid her 20 dollars, and I left.

(Emmies POV)

I slipped my feet into the purple dress, one foot at a time.

What will happen tonight? Will he ask me out again?

I check my phone

Laila tweeted again; "#jemmieisoverparty fuck Jacob, fuck emmie, they are both stupid fucks that only share one thing in common, they are both worthless piles of trash"

I chuckled to myself, retweeting the tweet.

I checked the trending hashtags, #jemmieisoverparty was number one... Fuck, were peopler really buying into this shit?

I clicked on the hashtag, a lot of news sources were covering this.

Cosmopolitan said "#laila is having a mental breakdown! She starts #jemmieisoverparty in spite of Jacob and Emmie, star-crossed lovers. Who's side are you on? #teamlaila or #teamemmie. Us at cosmopolitan are leaning toward #teamemmie."

all of the tweets were replying to these and quoting labials tweets. The number three trending hashtag was #teamemmie and #teamlaila was not on the trending hashtag list. 

I went on twitter. "whats even going on" i tweeted. 

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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Hazel// Jacob Sartorius Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz