Breakup (and SASS)

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Jacobs Pov
"Hey babe" Laila says, a smirk grows upon her face and I can see she is wearing some nice lingerie under her clothing.
"Hey come in" i say as innocently as possible. I don't wanna lead her on... After all... I-want-Emmie.
She leaned in for a kiss, but i swerved my head and hugged her. She didn't say anything but i knew she was a little pissed.
We sat down on the couch and she leaned in for a kiss while i wasnt noticing.
She started to kiss me... Those once love filled kisses turned into shitty kisses. They didnt feel real to me. I didn't kiss back, i just jerked my head back.
She scoffed and said
"What the hell is wrong. Are you dating Emmie again? Do you still like her? Why that bitch??? You are w fucking jerk. All i do is love you, you shit head. We had so much fun."
I replied with a particular amount of sass; "Excuse me bitch but whydoes everything have to do with Emmie? Why are you so jealous? Are you afraid she is going to take me away from you? She is not a bitch, she is an amazing human being unlike your disgusting self. All you do in manipulate me. You hurt me. I love Emmie. Yeah, i said it. But i dont love you. You are obnoxious, you are a bad person, and you think everything revolves around you. Well guess what? It doesn't. Emmie is the inly one for me and if she never loves me back then i wont love anyone ever again. You hear me? So you get the fuck out of here you annoying ass bitch... LEAVE." I was hyperventilating and tears were streaming down both our cheeks. She leaned in for a hug, but i pushed her back.
"Don't you ever fucking talk to me or Emmie EVER again or you will pay for it. Do you hear me?"
She broke down and ran to the door only to find Emmie standing there with her jaw dropped and eyes wide open.
Laila ran out of the door, and Emmie just stood there, surprised as hell.

Hazel// Jacob Sartorius Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora