Chapter 26 - Weapons

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The carriage jailing Gary and Paul laid a few feet away. They had been drugged and the soldier riding the vehicle abandoned it to join the rest of the troops. The drug was supposed to keep them asleep till they had won the war, but Paul wasn't affected as much. He woke up to Cain's voice and looked up drearily at Alec. 

The memory of Alec's anger was still fresh in his mind, even though he had been put to sleep only seconds later.

Understandably, Paul hadn't grasped the situation quite yet. Why had all the other guards disappeared and moreover, why Alec had let them leave boggled him and it wasn't any different for Gary who woke up moments later. Cain had his eyes locked on Alec and they were able to sit up without being noticed. Gary's mind still hazy from the drug, made him accidentally hit the cage's bars. The clang made them shoot a glance at the guard. He didn't react, though.

His mouth was open to give way for the gasp that just left. It was quickly joined by one each from Paul and Gary.

Alec had sat up right on his horse and was absentmindedly staring at the animal's mane. His eyes had glazed over and his voice shook when he said, "Bring the rest of the troops to the back gate" he paused to look up at the sky "Tell them I'll be waiting there"

"But, your lord-"

He looked at him with a sad smile "Do you fear me when I get angry?" he asked, making Cain take a step back. A bead of sweat trailed down his armor and his eyes looked down at his feet. Alec's fingers slowly grasped the reins, his smile unwavering, "You're going to fear me more when I cry".


Alec is still human.

Ash's words repeated themselves over and over again. Weiss found it hard to believe, but he swallowed his doubt, leaving his disagreement alone as an internal conflict. It didn't make sense to him how Ash could just say that. Alec had killed so many people, he had ripped uncountable families apart and had stained many battle grounds with blood whose stains would never vanish. How could he be human?

He looked at Tyson who didn't seem to mind at all. He was still looking ahead at the castle's rear gate as if all of it fit together in harmony. But the silence between the two was quickly shut down.


His name made his shoulders stand in attention and he turned to look at Tyson, who had his eyes still locked on open gates. He should've seen it coming. There's only so much he could hide from Tyson.

"You want Alec dead, don't you?"

Weiss dropped his gaze to his feet, he brought it up slowly "Yeah" he muttered.

"You think Ash would want him dead?"

Tyson turned to look at him; Weiss had his jaw clenched and he smiled, thin lipped "No, he wouldn't" he said.

"I don't know what Ash is doing now, but I know for a fact that it's worse than death"


The past is a stain, the darkest of them all

Rooted like a scar, deep and menacing

Coating it with paint, merely hides it


Serena slowly walked into Alec's bedroom. The rain outside covered the room in darkness. It's large windows, the one source of light, remained dead. The shattered glass, the dull panes coated in dust, the arrow lying on the floor - it made her nauseous. 

Only a step in, not daring to go further, she turned to Delia. The Queen was standing in between Jessie and James, her eyes going around the room. Serena could see the wave of nostalgia wash over them; she looked away, trying not to cry. Delia walked past her, gently placing her hand over the doorknob. As Serena followed her in, their eyes fell on the the tarp. The very one, which lay ripped in half on the ground; folded in ways that covered the family. At the corner, the family's emblem shone, the rest of the it lay face down.

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