My face was blood red, “Oh my god…” I put my face in my hands, “I remember last night!”

Immediately Law laughed, “That’s what you’re freaking out about?” He was nearly doubled over in laughter.

I smacked him, “Shut up!” I groaned again before burying my face in my hands again, “Agh! I can’t believe I said all those things!”

“Calm down,” He took my wrists into his hands once again as he finally managed to catch his breath, “We were both drunk off our asses last night anyways. Though I think it’s quite obvious I don’t play for the other team.” Law grinned.

I groaned and fell back onto the med bay examination table again, “I am never drinking around you again.”

“That, I very much doubt.” He leaned down and nipped at the pulse point in my neck.

“Oh shut up Law and get off of me.” I went to push him off but he easily countered me.

“Hn, but I’m ‘so freaking hot and sexy all of the time’ as you so said it. Are you sure that you really want me to get off of you?” He was hovering over me with a catty grin, “I mean I’m finally not playing ‘stupid little mind games’ with you anymore.” He bit my ear gently and bought his leg between mine.

A blush was now thoroughly coating my face, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. I mean I was drunk after all.”

Law sighed and got off of me, “One of these days you’re not going to want me to stop.”

“Oh shut up Law.” I growled and sat up. I was trying hard to keep my blush down.

Law walked over to the counters and pulled out two pairs of gloves from one of the drawers. Pulling a pair on for himself he tossed the second set at me. The rubbery latex hit me in face. “Today we’re going to be making some flu vaccinations. It’s been going around lately and I won’t have my crew getting sick.” Law explained.

                He went over to a lab table filled with equipment and sat down. Taking out a glass viewing plate he placed it on under the microscope and began to focus it. I walked over to him and sat down on the next chair near Law. At the moment I was waiting for Law to give me orders to do something. For several minutes he said nothing at all. Rather he stayed silent for close to twenty minutes.

Since he didn’t tell me what to do I began to grab tiny bits of paper and began to toss them at him from where I sat. The first few weren’t even close to hitting him but eventually I began to make them onto his hat.

“I hope you know that I do expect you to pick every piece of paper you throw at me up.” Law murmured when I was about to toss another piece of paper at him. Immediately I stilled and just blinked at Law.

“Well then give me something to do.” I said. Law swivels around to look at me, a dark expression on his face, “Uh. Please?” I add in quickly.

Law sighs and then motions for me to come over closer to the bench. I shuffle over there and then he begins to direct me on how to mix a few chemicals together and what measurements I should be using to do so. After that he gave me a stern look before turning back to his own work. Taking a deep breath I then set to work mixing up everything in the way he showed me.


                Sitting back in my seat I yawned and looked over at the clock on the wall. I had been at this for close to three hours already. Turning in my chair I cracked my back and sighed happily before sitting back again. Law was still hunched over his desk so I decided to take a break. I had managed to make over ten vials of the vaccine he wanted to make. Closing my eyes and yawning again I was acutely aware of someone standing next to me. Opening up my eyes I found Law examining the vaccines.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now