𝟑𝟒. 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞

Start from the beginning

Peter shook his head. "You know both of them."

"No, I don't." Stiles lied, seeming pretty convincing.

Also forgetting that he was lying to a werewolf who could hear his heartbeat and, even worse, an Alpha who, most likely, had better hearing than normal werewolves.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I would still be able to tell that you're lying." The Alpha stated annoyed, staring over at Stiles.

Stiles began nearing Peter. "Dude, I swear to God-"

I gasped and ran forward towards them as Peter grabbed Stiles' neck and slammed him onto the trunk.

"I can be very persuasive, Stiles." Peter taunted, holding me back with his other arm. "Don't make me persuade you."

I broke free of Peter's grip and stepped forward. "I'll do it." I stated loudly. "I know Scott's username and password, I'll type it in."

Peter let Stiles go and moved him to the side, then grabbed my arm and dragged me forward to the laptop. "You better not be lying, Yasmine." He threatened, but in a gentler tone.

I cleared my throat and began typing in the MiFi code that Stiles hadn't. "What happens after you find Derek?" I questioned, ignoring Stiles' hazel eyes on me.

He was probably judging me right now, but the only reason I volunteered to type the username and password in, was so Peter wouldn't hurt him anymore, but he wouldn't understand.

"Don't think, Yasmine. Type." Peter ordered.

"You're gonna kill people, aren't you?" Stiles asked Peter, a harsh tone in his voice that was also laced with hurt.

I stopped typing and turned around to see Stiles already looking at me, a hurt look in his eyes. He didn't look angry and for a second, I swear I saw him nod reassuringly towards me before he reverted his gaze to Peter.

"Only the responsible ones." Peter answered truthfully and grabbed my shoulders, turning me back around to the laptop, his claws hitting my arms.

I took a deep breath. "Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of it." I gazed right into Peter's blue eyes, a determined expression on my face.

Peter sighed. "Do you know why wolves hunt in packs?" He asked, now looking back at me. "It's because their favorite prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need Derek and Scott. I need both of them."

"He's not gonna help you." Stiles spoke determinedly from behind and walked closer, now standing on my right.

"Oh, he will." Peter replied, almost patronizingly. "Because it'll save Allison. And you and Yasmine will, because it will save Scott. Your best friend, and your brother, whom you know so well, you even have his username and password."

I sighed and shared a look with Stiles, who looked as defeated as I felt, before I typed in Scott's username and password.

"His username is 'Allison'? His password is also 'Allison'?" Peter asked in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe how in love Scott was with Allison.

"Still want him in your pack?" Stiles and I questioned sarcastically at the same time.


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