Quartet Night Seiyuu Pt 1

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Ahhhhh I had to constantly remind myself that this takes place in the summer of 2015 so like the Kenka Bancho Otome Radio where Shouta started calling Maeno "Tomo-nii" and stuff didn't happen yet...

Chapters are super short, sorry, but at least I update this faster than my other stories.

When Suzuki Tatsuhisa opened the door of his newly cleaned apartment, he was expecting some grumpy, old businessman to greet him.

He wasn't expecting to see a beaming Miyano Mamoru, an apologetic Aoi Shouta, and a scowling Kurosaki Ranmaru at his door.

"What the- What are you two doing here?!" He points at Mamoru and Ranmaru. "Wait, who are you anyways?" He asks Ranmaru, whose face is hidden underneath a hood.

"Hidoi! Why are you not surprised to see Shouta-kun?" Mamoru complains.

"Shouta I expected to see because he was the one who asked us to help out, but I never expected Mamoru to be with him!" He peers at their clothing. "And why are you two wearing concert shirts? And who is this?"

"This is Kurosaki Ranmaru, Tatsu-nii." Ranmaru startles in disbelief at Ai's voice actor using that honorific with his own, making his face visible underneath his hood.

Tatsuhisa blinks. Silence.

"Eh? Uso."

"Unfortunately not~" Mamoru sings. "They came from their dimension so we have to hide them till they find a way back. So Ranmaru, Masato, and Ren are staying with you~"

As if on cue, Ren and Masato appear behind the trio, both wearing hoods like Ranmaru to hide their colorful hair.

"So this is Ta-chan~"

"Nice to meet you, Suzuki-san."

For the first time, Tatsuhisa feels like joining Quartet Night may have been a mistake.


Once his two colleagues had left (with Shouta apologizing again for the inconvenience and Mamoru laughing), he closes the door, turning to face the three idols.

He sighs. He is going to regret getting into this, isn't he?

He's surprised that the three haven't moved yet, only watching him carefully. Masato and Ren haven't started arguing.

Well, best to just not question it.

"Ok, well, welcome, I guess. I'm Suzuki Tatsuhisa and like you may have guessed, I'm Kurosaki Ranmaru's voice actor." He offers, out of courtesy. "Uh, so I have two guest rooms, with a bed in one and two futons in the other, so I guess you guys could make yourselves at home...?" He then frowns at the fact that they are carrying nothing. "Not that you guys have anything to unpack."

Masato nods. "Thanks for agreeing to this, Suzuki-san."

Ren studies him a bit, blue eyes curious. "Huh~ So you're really not like Ran-chan much at all. You seem to be quite close with Ao-chan, too. He called you 'nii' after all."

Ao-chan? Does he mean Shouta? "Well, Quartet Night seiyuu have been working together for four years, after all. He calls Mamoru and Showtaro-san 'nii' too. Just not Maeno because he's kinda stiff. But from Shouta it's an endearing term, I guess."

"Ara? First name basis?" Ren smirks a bit, but Masato hits him over the head.

"Stop, Jinguuji."

"Masa, that's mean!"

"Shut up." Ranmaru growls before they can start arguing again. The two fall silent and suddenly, Tatsuhisa is painfully aware of Ranmaru's glaring gaze on him.

He rolls his eyes. Honestly, when he first began voicing Ranmaru, he voiced him for people to hate him. But he didn't think that he would have to deal with the consequences. "Oi. Stop glaring at me. I'm giving you a place to stay and if you want something from me, just say so."

Masato raises an eyebrow at the darker tone and Ren just smirks wider. Oh this was going to be fun.

"Tch. Do you have a bass?"

Well, that was not exactly what Tatsuhisa had  been expecting, but well, that's probably what Ranmaru's priority is.

"Not here." He replies, before glancing at his watch. "My band's bassist, Taizo, has a few obviously. Speaking of which, I have to meet up with them soon to discuss the new single for the Free! movie." He mumbles the last part, checking the time again. He still has a few minutes before his manager would arrive to pick him up.

"You're in a band, Suzuki-san?" Masato asks, interested. So not only Ai and Tokiya's voice actors are musical, huh?

"Yeah, OLDCODEX. It's a rock band."

"I take what I said before back. He's very like Ran-chan." Ren murmurs.

"You the vocalist?" Ranmaru finally speaks up, gauging his voice actor. It's quite obvious that he is, considering his job as a voice actor specializes in using his voice.

"Yeah." Tatsuhisa feels like the conversation is kindling Ranmaru's competitive side as a singer, but he doesn't really see the point in that, considering that Ranmaru's voice is his own. He glances out the window, spotting a dark car pull up in front of his apartment complex. "Oh, my manager's here. You guys..." He trails off. They need supplies considering they don't have anything but the clothes on their back, but could he risk letting them roam the streets of Tokyo?

"...stay here until I get back. And don't trash the place." Tatsuhisa then takes his cue to leave the apartment.

He feels like he had just made a very big mistake.

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