Animelo Summer Live 2015

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Hey y'all! There was no note in the first chapter, but I'll just say in advance that I am writing this for fun and I'm not really trying or editing, so sorry if there are grammar mistakes. Ok, then, here we go! (I do hope you guys know where they landed. Search up the event if you have to. But if you want to be surprised at who these people are, don't.)

I tried to make this realistic as possible. I wanted to include Kishow but he was at the next day's stage, so only these two.

"Are you cosplayers?" Those are not the words that Tokiya expected to come out of the man's mouth. He seems excited, scanning each and every idol, but at the same time, a bit worried and serious. "This is so cool~ But you guys do know that you're not supposed to be in here, right? I might have to call the staff to kick you guys out if you don't leave willingly."

"We're not... cosplayers." Syo replies, seemingly very confused. "And where are we anyways?"

The man blinks. "Ah, did you walk into the wrong room, then? This is the dressing room for the male performers of the Animelo Summer Live, a concert for anime songs, this year. I can show you out. And by the way, your voice sounds exactly like Syo's! I've never heard someone able to mimic Shimono-san so perfectly!"

"What's happening? I don't understand." Otoya murmurs, a bit panickedly.

"Ai, do something." Ranmaru urges. He doesn't want to admit it, but this is seriously a bit frightening. What is the man even talking about?!

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Miyano Mamoru and I voice Ichinose Tokiya in UtaPri!" The man smiles and Tokiya nearly topples over.

"Voice?" Is that why his voice sounds so similar to his own?

"Mmhm! See?" Miyano Mamoru then proceeds to do a perfect imitation of Tokiya's voice, freaking out all the idols in the room, Mamoru simply blinking at them in surprise.

"Ah." Ai's quiet statement of realization causes ten pairs of desperate eyes to turn on him. He stares at the contraption for a bit longer before turning to the others, face still expressionless. "Good news, I've found out where we are."

"Where?" Masato asks desperately.

"We're in a different dimension where we are fictional characters in an animation called 'Uta no Prince-sama.' It's an extremely popular franchise. People like Miyano Mamoru," he gestures to the tall brunet, "are voice actors who voiced us in the animation. Therefore, they can make our voices."

Before anyone can fully register this, he goes on. "And we also have bad news. This," he holds up the contraption, "isn't the full contraption. It seems that when we were teleporting, the part that projects the portal broke off. Which means we cannot return until we find it."

"Where could it be?" Natsuki asks.

"Anywhere in Japan, possibly." Ai replies with a straight face.

"Wait. Wait wait wait wait." Before any of the idols can react, Miyano Mamoru speaks. He looks a bit awed, but also a bit horrified. "You guys are telling me that you're the real deal? Like, the real deal that came from the UtaPri world."

He gets solid nods from all around. Mamoru pales slightly.

"Oh no. What the... this is bad, what do I do now?" He paces a bit. "I can't let you guys stay here - ugh, I can't do this by myself. Uwahhhh... is there anyone that can help me with this...? Anyone involved... ah, I know!" He looks back at the idols. "I'll be right back! Hide if anyone comes in!" He dashes out the door, leaving some very confused idols behind.

Silence. The first to speak is Syo.

"Ai. This is all your fault."

"It's already done, there's nothing we can do about it now. Blaming Mikaze won't help." Camus replies, irritated by Syo's attitude.

"But still-"

"Drop it, Kurusu." Masato sighs.

Ai says nothing, deep in thought from the look in his eyes.

It doesn't take long for commotion to appear again from outside the door. Everyone tenses, ready to hide wherever they can. But Tokiya recognizes the voice.

"-you have to see this!"

"Mamo-nii, what are you doing-" The door is thrown open again, and in the doorway stands Miyano Mamoru, but there is a younger man with him.

The new arrival blinks in shock at everyone in the room, his loose dark clothes swishing as he takes a step back in surprise along with the red fabric that hangs from his waist. His eyes are heavily touched up with crimson and dark makeup. "What is this? Cosplayers?"

A tick mark appears on Syo's head as the same assumption is thrown at them once again. "For the last goddamn time, we are not cosplayers!"

"Shouta-kun, these are the actual UtaPri idols!" Mamoru explains desperately. "They actually teleported to this dimension from theirs!"

"Eh?! How?"

"I don't know, Ai built something!"

"What are we supposed to do?!"

"I don't know!" The two banter back and forth.

Camus raises an eyebrow. "I'm surprised he accepted it this easily. And who is he, anyways?"

This catches the attention of the two men. The younger man turns, a sweet smile coming across his face which somehow manages to fit him despite the devilish outfit he wears.

"Ah, my name is Aoi Shouta. I voice Mikaze Ai."

Suddenly, Syo looks like he feels the urge to slaughter the innocent young man.

"This is all your fault, Shouta-kun!" Mamoru groans. "If you hadn't given life to Ai, we wouldn't be in this mess right now!"


"More importantly, we have a problem on our hands." Tokiya breaks into the voice actors' conversation. "What are we going to do about this?"


"I'm tempted to say 'gambatte' and just not help you."

"Miyano-san!" Shouta chides.

"But, I won't." Mamoru thinks for a moment. "I guess first things first: let Shouta-kun and I finish the concert, and then we'll have to find a way to sneak you guys out of here."

Hope you guys enjoyed! If you guys can't tell, my bias is Shoutan, but in my defense, I couldn't find a really good picture of how Mamo was dressed during AniSama 15 and I didn't remember clearly. Chapters are short for this, but I hope you'll enjoy the crazy antics of the seiyuu and the characters!


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