Ai's experiment

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Syo's eye twitches. And twitches again.

"Ai... What the hell are you doing?!"

Now, with all the time that Syo has lived with his robotic senpai, he was used to him doing some pretty weird things. Most could simply be brushed off as his robotic nature, but this was kinda over the line.

Him and Natsuki had only left for a job for two hours. Two hours. And that's all the time it took for Ai to convert their room into a laboratory.

Ai looks up, unperturbed by the interruption. "Ah, you two are back." He immediately returns to typing on his laptop, which was connected to a device that spanned the entire room. Some broken parts lie here and there on the ground. Syo looks ready to blow up.

"Yeah, we're back. And what in the world did you do to our room?!"

"Nothing much."


"Waaah~ This is amazing, Ai-chan!"

"Don't touch the device, Natsuki."


"Ai, tell your goddamn kouhais to keep the commotion down - what the fuck?" Ranmaru stumbles in the doorway, his hair messy like he had just woken up from a nap. "What the fuck is this?"

"Language, Kurosaki-san..." Masato trails off as he follows his senpai.

Ren whistles, scanning the contraption with cerulean eyes. "Impressive~"

"Why is everyone here?" A voice can be heard behind the people in the already crowded doorway. "Is there a party in Ai-Ai's room? Is there, is there?"

"There's no party going on here." Ai replies without looking up.

"Kotobuki-san, please keep it down."

"Stop speaking so loudly, peasant."

"What's going on?" The commotion grows, all of the Shining Agency idols wanting to catch a glimpse of whatever had caught everyone's attention.

"Well, now that everyone's here, you might as well explain, Ai. What the hell is this thing doing in our room?" Syo stares holes into his cyan-haired senpai.

"It's nothing special." The robot doesn't seem to have any qualms about explaining. "It's just a portal to a different dimension, that's all."


"You've gotta be kidding me."

"Mikaze-san, how did you even...?"

"I was experimenting. Human data says that it is impossible, so I wanted to see if I could actually make it work. It is a good thing that you're all here, actually. You guys can be test subjects."

Syo pales. "Oh no, no, no. No way-"

"In fact, since you're all gathered already, let's try it now." Ai reaches over, his finger hovering dangerously over the switch that turned on the device.

"Uh, Ai-Ai, I don't think that this is a really good idea..."

"Mikaze-san, we have not consented to-"

It's too late. Before anyone can escape, a bright burst of white light fills the room and they're all gone.


It's easy to recognize where they have landed. By the counters, the mirrors, and the racks of clothes, Tokiya knows that they are obviously in a dressing room.

Syo immediately panics. "Ai! Where are we?!"

The cyan-haired robot studies his device, which has contracted into a small handheld device. For the first time, even he seems confused. "Earth...? Japan...? Saitama Super Arena, 2015. August 29th...?"

Ranmaru stares at his bandmate as incoherent words come out of his mouth. "Oi, Ai, did you hit your head or something?"

"No, that's where we are, according to my-"

He isn't able to finish his sentence as the door opens. All eleven idols freeze as they hear a voice right outside the door. "! I understand. I'll be right there." The door creaks, opening wider.

"We probably shouldn't be here, this is bad." Masato mutters.

"Quick, hide!" Otoya panics.

The idols wildly look around for a hiding spot, but the dressing room honestly has practically no where to hide, especially for the eleven of them. They can only wait with bated breath as a tall man steps through the door, shutting it behind him.

After closing the door, he raises his gaze, his cheerful expression suddenly morphing to one of shock and surprise. He wears a white jacket, his entire constume consisting of a white and blue color scheme.

He blinks twice, and rubs his eyes.

"Whoa... I'm not seeing things, right?"

In that moment, Tokiya thinks that his voice sounds a lot like HAYATO's.

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