Decisions (Kong)

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I had a very late night last night when my best friend M came with food and drinks along with our other friends Oak and Dee. Tew even dropped by even though he's busy catching up with his studies after transferring to the Faculty of Law. Good thing my boyfriend was not there. He does not like me drinking that much. And my friends are still scared of him because he was the head hazer when we were freshmen. Tired from the lack of sleep and a bit hungover, I woke up early to have a meeting with our Dean and faculty secretary. I took my motorbike to the Faculty just to be there on time.

Upon entering the Dean's office, I saw P'Fone, who is working as an administrative assistant to the head of Academics while she is finishing her thesis for her masters in education, at her table. "Kong," she said waving me over. I bowed to some of the professors and lecturers I passed by before greeting P'Fone.

"You are here to have a meeting with Dean Chaiprasit, right?" she said waving for me to sit on the chair adjacent to her desk. I nodded as I sat on the chair. "You would need to wait for awhile because someone from the Chancellor's office came to visit. I think Dean Chaiprasit called you over because he wants to persuade you to take the scholarship at Stanford. Have you told your parents about it?"

So my instinct was correct. Last time I spoke with Prof. Songwan, who is the faculty secretary, I was very non-committal about the scholarship. There were many things to consider so I was not able to tell them a decision right away. First, there's a matter with the family business. My father wishes to retire and although he wished for me to pursue graduate studies, he wanted me learn the ropes of managing our plastics factory while he is still able. My mother, who manages the administrative side of the business, have been very outright about my father's health issues lately. It feels very daunting, honestly, but I can't say I can blame them. That's why I have been applying to other universities apart from my own university to check the best graduate studies path with or without scholarship.

There's an issue with my boyfriend too. P'Arthit was very furious when he heard about the scholarship offer. And, I also feel like I can't live so far away from him. It would destroy me. That's how much I love him.

P'Fone saw my hesitation immediately. Apart from being a co-code senior (we have the same student number), she has become a very good friend due to her husband, P'Tum, being a close friend almost like an older brother and senior to P'Arthit. I opened up to her about my parents and P'Arthit.

She apologized immediately about being ahead of herself. "I was too excited about the scholarship I did not think of other circumstances. But if you want my unsolicited advice, you should know how this might be a once in a lifetime chance. I'm confident that you can study in any graduate school you want here in Thailand. But to be given a full scholarship in the United States is a huge deal. Talk to your parents first. It is only for two years. Time would definitely fly fast and I am sure you would make up proud there. As for Arthit..." P'Fone was cut short however by the arrival of Prof. Songwan.

"Oh, Kongpope," Prof. Songwan greeted.

I bowed at him. "Good morning, Professor."

"Dean Chaiprasit is ready for you. I will go meet Mr. Anderson downstairs and we'll join you in a while. You just go ahead to the Dean's office. He is expecting you." I bowed to him once more and headed to the Dean's office. I wonder who this Mr. Anderson is and how come he'll be joining the meeting.

Dean Chaiprasit welcomed me warmly at his office when I entered. He shook my hand and asked me to sit in the sofa nearby. He also ordered his assistant to make tea and other refreshments. This is not the first time I have been inside his office. And although I was a bit nervous about the meeting and another person joining us, our Dean is quite a likable fellow who really cares about his students and it is easy feeling comfortable with him. He sat on a chair across from me and stared at me. "Kongpope, I feel you already knew the reason why I called you here. But before we discuss it further, I just want to tell you that regardless of your decision, the faculty and I feel very proud to have a student like you. I think, however, you need to know more about this wonderful chance so you could come up with a sound decision."

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