04. your heart can

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"I am going home. The only reason why I've been playing nice little hostage is because I have no idea what on earth is going and because you two haven't tried to kill me yet which I'm sure will happen sooner rather than later and I am not sticking around for that part!" I retorted feeling a lot more confident now that I actually had an escape plan... at least half of it.

"I know what you would order in a diner, restaurant, ice cream shop, waffle house, and no, it's not waffles... you name it" Kai begins as he relaxes his hand finally turning around to face me "I know a lot more about you than I know about myself, hell, I know you better than-"

"You've been stalking me for months. You don't know the first thing about me and don't think even for a second that you do. Because you don't. You're just Katherine's lapdog, who's going to gut me once she's done with her plan" I cut him off, and I realize I'm mad at him. But for the very wrong reasons, not because of anything I've just said but because of his dating life. I was mad at the fact that he had hugged me and pretended he cared about me, just like he probably always does with every girl he meets.

But the reaction I get from him is completely different from the one I thought I'd get. He's not annoyed or angry, like he gets whenever Katherine says one of her snarky comments. It's different... he's hurt... and that changes a lot of things, because for someone who's just Katherine's lapdog or wanted to kill me, wouldn't get this upset at the things I just said. So he just gives me a bitter smile, and whatever part of him that was hurt disappears and I see his blue eyes darken. It's the first time I see it, the darkness and... evilness in his eyes. So far I've only seen his good side, and I was guessing this was his bad. Yet I didn't feel scared or worried because somehow I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Even though it didn't make any sense, why wouldn't he hurt me?

"-and you don't know him. It's not your fault, he has really bad manners" said Katherine lightly as if she was trying to relive the tension of whatever was about to happen "don't you at least want to know why you're here, the real reason? what is happening to you?" she asks invitingly as if it's my cue to help relive out the tension too.

"Why am I here? And who are you? Why did Katherine say you've been watching me for months or that we've met before?" I questioned him, the truth was, I did want to know and if they were willing to give me answers, the better.

He doesn't says anything but he's not looking at me anymore, he's just emptily staring at his hands over the table. Whatever darkness was in his blue eyes, is gone now. And I feel it again, in the pit of my stomach... the feeling I can't explain. Looking at him like this, upset and disappointed, I couldn't bear it. Maybe I was making it all up in my head because there was no way someone could tell how a stranger was feeling that easily. But I still do the unexpected and place my hand on top of his so I can hold it . "I'm sorry for what I said... about you being a stalker and Katherine's lapdog. Or that you don't know me... but you have to understand that you're a complete stranger to me, who knows quite a lot about me and honestly that freaks me out, given your company. And by that I also mean you can't possibly be a good guy with good intentions"

I had no idea as to why was I even apologizing to him, either I was having a really severe stockholm syndrome episode or it was that part of me that for some reason can't bear the thought of him ever being upset. But I know the answer, it's just the annoyingly good side of me that forces me to see the good in everyone and treat bad guys kindly, even if it was naive or weak for me to do so. I just couldn't help it, specially with him. Gilbert genes, meet your achilles heel.

He holds my hand and I see he's moved by my apology and he's no longer looking upset or angry, he just gives me the sweetest smile anyone has ever given me but I'm just surprised at how his emotions change so radically in a matter of seconds "Kathy P, can you do that thing where you just leave us to be?" he says with his eyes still fixed on mine, and I don't bother to look at Katherine who just grunts annoyed before leaving us. Kai turns to his side switching hands to still keep holding mine and uses his free hand to play with my wavy hair "I'm sorry, you're like really pretty. Don't want to keep my hands off of you"

I just roll my eyes at him and chuckle, was he really flirting with me? Not that I would mind but it did seem rather odd for someone who had kidnapped me to be flirting with me. But I begin to understand why every girl would flirt with him, he was insanely charming. "So you're Kai, a witch who's extremely comfortable flirting with girls he just met. Is there anything else I should know about you?"

"Not every girl, just you. The others are... food" he admitted cautiously observing my reaction to what he just said and for a moment his eyes flicker from blue to a mix of black and red, and the veins under his eyes begin to turn dark. How did I not notice it before? He's a vampire, a really good one at hiding it. But I don't move or feel scared and his eyes return to their previous state.

"Wait, you're a vampire and a witch? I thought you couldn't be both" I said tilting my head to the side baffled.

"I'm a lot of things, actually. Vampire, witch, siphoner, heretic, your date" he winks at me as he says the last part before continuing "can we call this a date? I think we can. I'm attracted to you and you're attracted to me plus we're sitting romantically in this booth about to share a milkshake and stare at each other with heart eyes-"

"Who said I was attracted to you?" I chuckled raising my eyebrow at him and he just moves closer to me which takes me by surprise but I don't move away. He stops playing with my hair and moves hand up to my cheek, brushing his thumb against my skin. My heart beats like a hammer against my cloth as he leans in so close that the tip of our noses actually touch, and it feels like torture because I wanted him to kiss me yet he stops himself from going any further. I try to keep my eyes fixed on him but I stare down at his lips and quickly lick mine as the desire to kiss him instead grows stronger.

"You did, I'm a vampire, I can hear how your heart races like crazy whenever I go near you" he whispers and I close my eyes as I feel his hot breath over my lips, soon I feel him lean in closer before he speaks again "because even if your brain can't remember... your heart can"

Author's Note

Can I just say 8x13/14 Kai owns me, like honestly just kill me #kaddy. I was going to wait a little more before letting them be this close but then I saw 8x13/14 again and well here we are.

I CAN'T SAVE US ↠ KAI PARKERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin