Chapter 23 - Dances and More Court Dates

Start from the beginning

"The law firm there argued that since Lydia is a minor, they need to finish this as soon as possible so she can get on with her life," he shrugs, "They granted the date." I write down the date and tell him I'll be there with her. He thanks me and we disconnect.

I'm stress-free until Friday, when it's time to get the girls ready for the dance. They tell their dates they have to go next door until they are ready. We spend an hour fluffing and primping both of them until they are happy with how they look. When they're ready, I call Tyler and Solomon to come back over.

When they arrive, they ring the doorbell, and I answer it with two giggling girls hiding behind me. They run into the living room, so I can announce Tyler and Solomon.

After giving me a kiss, my handsome guys allow me to lead them into the living room, "Your dates are here." I stand back and let my suited men through to their very excited dates.

After they ooh and aah over the girls and how pretty they look, we take a lot of pictures and Frankie and my brother's come over and admire them also before they leave. After they leave, Frankie and the guys go back home, leaving me and Grey alone.

"I've made plans for dinner. Are you ready to go?" I nod and he takes my hand leading me out the door.

He takes me to a steakhouse and we're seated, "Although I'm sorry I missed out on the father/daughter dance this time, I'm glad I get to spend some alone time with you. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great. I have you three and it makes everything better and easier. I never knew if I would fall in love. I thought I loved Griffin, but what I feel for you, makes what I felt for him exactly what it was, juvenile. I feel so lucky, that I have not one, but three men to love to distraction and to be able to love them back."

He leans forward in his seat and kisses me, "We love you too. I love you. So much."

Our server arrives and takes our order. She leaves to get our drinks and Grey asks, "What do you really think of your birthday gift?"

"I love it. The fact that everything you gave me came from the heart, made it so special. It's hard to think of gifts like that. It makes me love you all the more." I reach across the table and hold his hand. We spend the rest of the meal talking and enjoying ourselves. After we leave the restaurant, we head to the school so we can peek at our girls and watch them have fun dancing with Tyler and Sol and then go to a movie.

We arrive at home at the same time as my other two men and my girls. They're carrying them inside because they have both fallen asleep. We get them into bed and after Tyler and Sol changes clothes, we sit in the den and they tell us about the dance.

They danced and partied all night and then their dates took them to the nearby pancake house for pancakes. I'm glad they all had a good time.

Tyler takes the day off from work so he can go to court with me. I'm so ready for this day to be over and for Griffin to go away. I mean to jail so I don't have to worry about him bothering me anymore.

I mentally go over my day as I get dressed in one of my business suits. I settle on a black suit with a pencil skirt and a short jacket. I put a white blouse on under it and wear a pair of black high-heeled power pumps. Tyler matches me in a classic black suit and tie.

The ride to the courthouse is done in silence. I'm tapping my fingers against my knee and the console. Tyler's hand finds mine and squeezes. When he pulls up to the parking spot, he stops me from getting out of the car, "Are you okay? Are you sure you can do this?"

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now