Chapter 11 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

I watched as she smiled and slowly walked down the stairs. She was wearing a very tight fitting long red gown, with little diamonds all over the bodice. The dress looked good on her, and showed off some cleavage as well. Her hair was pinned up with a few lose curls falling down the sides. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she walked over to me, and my mouth was still hanging open like a fool.

“Hi.”, she said looking kind of shy.

“Hi.”, was my stupid reply.

“Come on dumb asses, let's go party!”, said Sapphire.

We all followed Sapphire into the ballroom, along with whoever was standing behind me. They were waiting for me to tell them where to go, but I was too mesmerized from watching Crystal.

When we entered the ballroom, I was shocked to see how many people had arrived without me noticing. The room was full of people dancing or standing to the side talking.

“This looks great.”, I told both girls.

“Why thank you.”, Crystal replied smiling.

“Yea, us girls did a great job.”, Sapphire said looking smug, even though I helped too.

“May I have this dance?”, I asked Crystal.

“Of course.”, she replied.

I took her hand in mine and led her towards the middle of the dance floor.

“You look beautiful.”, I told her.

“Thank you. I wasn't sure if I'd be overdressed, but Sapphire assured me that I wouldn't be.”, she said.

“You'd look beautiful in anything you chose to wear.”, I said honestly.

I saw her cheeks redden when I told her that, as I slowly moved her around the dance floor. I didn't want to let her go, and I held her as close as possible. I was lucky it was a slow song, I can't dance to upbeat music like some people can. As the song ended I kissed her cheek and reluctantly let her go.

“Thank you for dancing with me.”, I told her as we walked off the dance floor.

“You're welcome.”, she said as she looked up at me.

I left her with Sapphire while I went over to the food table to get us some drinks. I wasn't sure if she wanted alcohol so I got her a vodka and O.J, since that's what all the girls seem to be drinking. Plus that's what she had been drinking at the club that night, I knew because I could smell it on her.

I walked back over to her and handed her the drink.

“I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got you a vodka and O.J, is that alright?”, I asked.

“It's fine.”, she said, giving me a breathtaking smile.


I watched as Sapphire spoke to nearly everyone, as we walked around the room. She introduced me to everyone as her best friend, and I felt a little sad. My best friend wasn't here, and I'd never get to see her again. Don't get me wrong, I really like Sapphire but she was no Kiara.

Casper was over talking to a group of guys near the drinks table. I have to admit nearly every single person here was beautiful. Sapphire pointed out the Vampires and the humans, but after a while it turned into a game. I would pick out who I thought was human or Vampire, at first I was hopeless but after a while I started to figure it out.

A little while later, I watched Casper walk towards me.

“Would you like to dance again?”, he asked me.

Did he seriously think I would say no? I loved being in his arms and close to his body. I didn't want him to ever let me go.

“Of course, I'd love to dance again.”, I said with a huge smile on my face.

Just like before he walked me to the center of the dance floor and then pulled me into his arms.

“Did I tell you that you're beautiful?, he whispered into my ear.

“Yes you did.”, I replied with a slight giggle. His breath was tickling my ear.

Then he kissed me on the cheek again and I so wanted to feel his lips on mine. I knew that he didn't feel that way about me though. It hurt to know he didn't want me the way I wanted him.

The song was another slow one, and I was pretty sure he was picking them on purpose.

I'm going to pick the next song and make sure it's a fast one, just so I can watch him make a fool of himself.

All the sudden windows started to shatter, and glass was flying everywhere. People started running around screaming, and I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again. I noticed Casper had become really tense, and the vein in the side of his neck was bulging. He must be really pissed off!

“Jasper.”, I whispered in dread.

All of a sudden Sapphire grabbed me and placed me behind her back.

“Where is Casper?”, I asked as panic filled me.

“He's here.”, she said.

“Where is Jasper?”

“He is standing in front of Casper.”

I was too short to see over Sapphire, and every time I tried to look she'd tell me not to.

“GET CRYSTAL OUT OF HERE!”, I suddenly heard Casper shout.

“NO, I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!”, I screamed.

I could hear screaming like someone was being tortured, and then there was more than one person. They were all screaming at someone to stop, but I didn't know who or why. It was then that Sapphire tried to pull me to the back of the room.

“NO! I'LL STAKE YOU MYSELF!”, I shouted at her.

“I'd like to see you try girl, now move your ass! I have to get you out of harms way.”, she said in a tone not to be messed with.

I nodded my head and she dragged me up onto the stage in the back of the room. We hid behind the thick, heavy curtains. I couldn't see what was happening, but Sapphire was beside me and gave me a chance to peek through the curtains. It was an absolute mess, there was blood and lifeless bodies everywhere. They lay all over the floor, and some were even in pieces. I realized that I couldn't see Casper anywhere, where was he?! I started to panic thinking the worst, I couldn't lose him!

“It's okay he's alive.”, Sapphire said sensing my fear.

“Where is he? I need to see that he's okay.”, I said.

All I can sense is that they are somewhere in the house, and that they're fighting. Casper won't let him live this time. Jasper has threatened what's his, and for that Casper will kill him.

What does she mean by “What's his?”, I wondered.

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