Chapter 10 (Edited)

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Chapter 10

The past few weeks have been really quiet and uneventful. April is away on vacation, so it's been just Casper and I here. Sapphire's been home a few times but doesn't stay too long.

“I have so much to do and so little time.”, she kept saying to herself.

When I'd ask what she was talking about, she always said it was nothing and would walk out of the room.

“Damn, there's no need to be so secretive.”, I would think to myself.

I walked through the garden outside and Casper said it was fine, as long as I didn't try and leave the grounds without him. I agreed, I didn't want to encounter his brother Jasper. Especially given the dream I had a few weeks ago.

Casper thought my dream might mean Jaspers going to try and come after me. So he wants me to stay as close to the house as possible.

“Are you coming inside soon?”, he asked.

“If you want me to.”, I said not really wanting to.

“No it's okay, I was coming to join you.”, he said while walking towards me.

He took a seat beside me on the grass and lay back with his hands behind his head. He looked so relaxed just lying in the sun. I wanted to reach up and touch his hair it always looked so soft.

“We're having a party on Saturday.”, he said .

“Party? Like with more than just the two of us?”, I asked.

“Yes more than just the two of us.”, he said laughing.

“Really? Like who?”, I was curious.

I was a little excited the only contact I've had was when we went shopping and that didn't end to well. “Was it going to be all Vampires? Are there going to be humans? Will the Vampires try to eat me?”, I wondered. Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all.

“Who will be coming?”, I asked.

“Just some friends and family.”, he stated.

“Are they all Vampires?”

He let out a slight chuckle. “No we do have human friends, Sapphire is pretty good at making friends.”, he said.

It looked like he was thinking.

“Great I wonder how Sapphire makes so many human friends, maybe I don't want to know that answer to that.”, I shuddered at the thought.

We laid in the sun for about an hour longer before I noticed Casper was getting a little fidgety.

“Let's go inside.”, I said.

“We don't have to, I know you like being outside.”, he said.

“I've been outside for four hours now, I think I can drag myself inside.”, I said smiling.

He slowly stood up and we walked back to the house side by side,

“How do I know what to wear to a Vampire party?”, I wondered.

“What do I wear?”, I asked. I know it sounded like a weird question to ask and I felt stupid as soon as it left my lips.

“Uh clothes.”, he replied.

“You know what I mean. Do I wear a dress or do I wear jeans and a shirt?”, I asked totally clueless.

“You can wear whatever you want.”

“Okay.”, I said.

Today was Wednesday so I have three days to decide what to wear. Hopefully Sapphire or April will be back by then, because I really need their help. I made my way upstairs because Casper was going to his office.

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