03|Meeting Ms.Majesty

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"Now that looks like a castle of death," I whisper in awe.

This place was huge. And trust me, I know huge.

The whole castle had a dark aura to it, but it wasn't a surprise considering everything was different shades of black. The castle itself seemed to be at least the size of Buckingham Palace. It stretched long and wide with a sparkling fountain smack dab in the middle. It spewed a green juice that just came down with a plop instead of the whole blowhole effect. I had the urge to touch it, so I went over and ran my hand through it. It was slushy, but not solid enough to be like slime. Still, my hand moved through it like water.

"What is this?" I ask William. He glances at me before casually saying,

"Acid. What else?" I yelp in response and wipe my hands off on the grass. 

Of course, that would help. Grass could totally fix the whole acid thing! I can be an idiot. 

 I stopped when I realized this wasn't even real grass it was AstroTurf. Are you kidding me? AstroTurf? How cheap.

Suddenly, I calm down from my panic attack and quickly ask, "How come my hand isn't burning?"

He sighs and looks back at me. "Use your brain, Anastasia-"

"Ana," I correct and he responds with pursed lips and a quick telepathic conversation with Laurence. Probably talking about how I had done the same thing to him.

"Ok Ana, we're dead. Hence everything here is dead." He gestures his hands, but I still don't understand what is happening. I found his exasperated looks quite offensive. "You-" He pauses to point at me. "No hurt because you already BLEGH." He creates the sound effect as he slides his finger across his throat.

"Hey, I wasn't born yesterday."

"No dip sherlock." William snaps.

"If you were you would've lived a very sad life," Laurence points out. When he hears my groan, he picks up his phone.

"No need for Urban Dictionary," I say.  He places his phone down in response. "That means that I am not dumb." They contemplate my answer before they turn to each other.

"Say something stupid," William says to Laurence.

"That shouldn't be too hard." I laugh at my own comment, having to calm myself down. Realizing that neither of them are laughing, I shut up as well. Laurence thinks for a while, and I give him a 'seriously' look.

He frowns before saying, "E equals MC squared." I stare at him for a second trying to understand how that was stupid.

"You do realize that is a basic building block of-"

"- bad cooking," He finishes. Before I can disagree, Laurence explains his point. "One egg cannot make mac and cheese for 2 groups. According to the recipe by John Legend, you need at least 2 eggs." Laurence smiles triumphantly, as William pats him on the back.

"Look at you go, citing sources and all." William praises and I just go with what they are saying. They talked more about the Mac and Cheese recipes until I started heading inside. There was so much ground to cover I decided to run instead of walk.As I reach the door, I look back to see William grunting and groaning as he tries to pull an exhausted Laurence.

"I am surrounded by idiots," I mutter before realizing there was a guard beside me. "Not you! O-or the Queen! Or anyone else who lives in this castle. Just those two bumbling idiots." I point to the two as they start to imitate theJack and Rose scene from Titanic.

I didn't bother listening because the guard turned to me and said, "They're always bumbling idiots."

We both laugh, and his posture relaxes a bit. He doesn't look as threatening, even with the full black wardrobe. Heck, even his hair was black. You could barely see it since it peeked out of the cap he had on. Just one little strand sitting alone. His eyes are an emerald green, and he is tall with a skinny frame. Though, I couldn't stop looking at his eyes. Even though his body moves as if it had no care in the world, his eyes still seem stiff and contained.

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