What They're Missing - TH

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What They're Missing - Todd Haynes x Reader

When Erika Cho, best friend to Katie Deauxma and suspected girlfriend of Marty Eisenberg, asked Todd Haynes to go with her to prom, he was immediately ecstatic. Of course, he had reason to be suspicious as pretty girls like her didn't come up to guys like him regularly and ask them to go to dances with them, so he decided to question his friends about it. Especially Marty, who told him...

"It's totally fine, dude. I told you already," Marty said as he pushed another French fry into his mouth, "-we broke up!" It was a few days before the big day of prom, and for whatever reason, Marty wasn't scrambling to get another date.

This caused Todd's eyebrows to crease together and he looked suspiciously at Marty. "Then, who the hell are you going with? 'Cause, we all agreed that we were going with someone- even if we had to drag cardboard cutouts of our favorite super-hotties to the dance."

Dave laughed, shaking his head. "Yeah, well none of us have to worry about that. What Marty isn't saying is that he's already got another date."


Kick-Ass, as his alias was, punched Todd in the bicep. "Listen douchebag, don't interrupt me. As I was saying, he's going with-"

"Marty! I gotta ask you something!" All three boys jerked their heads up to the voice that had cut off Dave, and said boy's face grew a bright smile. It was a beautiful girl, with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was gripping her backpack in one hand and had a random comic in the other. Her hair was in a sloppy ponytail, but when she gave the group a goofy smile and plopped down onto the seat, she just looked breathtaking.

Noticing how in awe his best friend was, Dave nudged Todd. "That's who he's going with. Her name's Y/n. She just moved here a couple weeks ago, and he befriended her on day one, so she asked him to go with her." Y/n was talking animatedly with Marty, who merely nodded as he listened to her. His eyes would occasionally trail to her breasts, but Y/n would wave her comic book in the air for emphasis on something and his attention would be regained immediately.

"-So, I was thinking that I could get a dress that's (f/c), similar to my favorite super-hero's outfit, you know? I figured I'd ask you, because your tie has to match." Y/n's ramblings halted for a moment as she tapped her chin, looking down at the table thoughtfully. "Though... they don't have to match. You could wear whatever you wanted, and I could compare to you!"

Marty merely shrugged. "Sure, okay. If we do that, my tie's gonna be like Captain America's shield-blue, alright?"

Y/n nodded her consent, "Yup-yup-yup!" That was the end of their conversation, and Y/n flopped open her comic book to begin reading. The boys all regarded her for another moment, surprised that she didn't want to leave their table, before coming back to their conversations about other things that mattered to them. After all, prom was only a few days away, but wasn't exactly exciting in comparison to the idea of being superheroes.

Every so often, though, Todd would take a glance at the pretty girl who was way too immersed into her comic to notice anything about the world around her. He thought she looked beautiful like that- no! He almost forgot! He's already taking Erika! No need to get greedy there, Haynes. He all but sneered to himself. Letting out a quiet sigh, he tried not to look at her again for the rest of lunch, and jumped sharply when the bell rang out.

Here it was, the night every senior and junior in high schools across the country looked forward to. No other day compared to it as much as this. Prom night. Many virginities, as the tradition was, would be lost tonight. Not that Todd was about that. He thought it was kind of rude to do that, no matter how much he wanted to grope a girl's tits.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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