Chapter Six ~ The Party

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Word Count: 730

Jonathan's POV

Evan didn't find out about the cut which was a good thing. On the plus side the voice didn't come around while Evan was with me.

"Hey babe are you almost ready?" Evan asked walking into the bathroom.

"Yeah," I looked up at him.

I was really short so my head was barley at his shoulder.


Evan's POV

We were at the party and everybody was drunk as fuck. Jonathan was laying on my shoulder while I drank a beer.

Currently we are playing truth or dare.

"Marcel!" I slurred. "As the only straight person here..."

"Hey fuck off I have a girlfriend!" Craig yelled.

Brian rolled his eyes.

"Am i going to have to fuck you~" Brian smiled drunk out of his mind

"Hey!!! SHHH shut the fuck up!" I shoved my finger in Brian's face, "Marcel, as the only straight one here..." I continued "It would only be right to dare you to kiss the gayest one here."

"Fuck yeah Marcel come here," Lui popped up from the floor and pulled Marcel up.

"You're so lucky i'm drunk Evan or i would beat this shit out of you..." Marcel shook his head before he crashed his lips into Lui's and then instantly pulled away.

The room filled with whoops and hollers.

"My turn," Brian yelled. "Jonathan, truth or dare?"

Jonathan's face looked pale as ever.

"Umm..." he looked around in smiled, "Truth!" he answered excitedly.

"Fine, have you ever had a wet dream about Evan?" He asked slyly.

I chuckled as I took a sip of my beer.

"Yes actually!" He replied.

I started choking on my beer.

"Oh shit!" the guys laughed.

I wiped the drink from my mouth as I laughed along with.

"Not the only thing your going to be choking on tonight huh Evan!" Craig laughed.

"Craig! Trut or dare!" David spoke in a thick Irish accent.

"Fuck it, dare!" He finished up his beer.

"I dare you, to kiss the person you find most attractive sitting in dis here circle," He slurred.

"I don't find any of you attractive i'm str-"

Before Craig could finish Brian yanked him closer. They instantly started making out making me howl in laughter. Brian pulled away with heave. It was silent for a minute as we waited for a reaction.

"Umm, i gotta go call my girlfriend..." He held his head in his hand.

"Wait why," Lui asked concerned.

Obviously Craig wasn't taking this as a joke.

"I have to break up with her know because I've been gay for Brian for the last three year holy shit!" Craig pulled Brian back into a kiss.

Brian stuck out his hand. Marcel rolled his eyes and handed him a twenty. Brian took it, shoved it in his pocket, and flipped off Marcel. Why do all my friends bet on each other sexuality.

"Damit dis mean I'm stuck with a tirty-two year old..." David joked obviously poking at Lui.

"Shut the hell up i'm great in bed!" He shoved David over a bit.

"Evan i dare you to go the rest of the night without your shirt on!" Lui wiggled his eye brows at me.

I take no time to take off my shirt, but of course they have to harass me about.

"Damn papi!" Lui yelled.

"Daddy!" Brian yelled as Marcel made fake moaning sounds.

"Oh shut the fuck up, your just jealous that I'm not a fucking stick like ya'll are!" I flipped them off taking the last sip of my beer. "You know what, since were all stupid here, let play..." I sat my bottle in the middle of our circle. "spin the bottle..." i smirked.

"yeah but were all dating somebody here wont it be awkward?" Craig asked.

"No, you're just worried that nobody will kiss," Marcel rolled his eyes.

"Ya know..." he paused and sighed "You're not wrong..."

"Alright, Jonathan you start first..." I handed the bottle.

He spun it and it landed on Marcel.

"Fuck!" Marcel yelled.

Jon blushed as he lightly pecked Marcel.

"Aw that was cute..."

I ended up having to kiss David and Lui twice. It was kinda sad when we had to leave but it was okay i guess. Of course Marcel being the goody two shoes officer he was, he made me take a breath test but i passed.

T h e c a r r i d e w a s s i l e n t

A/n the next chapter is going to be a smut but you can skip it it wont affect the story very much.

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