Chapter Three ~ In my head

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Word count: 950

Evan's POV
I woke up to my alarm the next morning with a groan. Since I didn't sleep well last night, I struggled a bit to get up out of bed.

I walked to my bathroom and took a cold shower. As much as I loathed cold showers it help with the soar aches I faced every morning, along with waking me up.

As I stepped out I wrapped a towel around my waist and grabbed my uniform from the other room.

Grabbing my keys, I walked to the kitchen and made a protein shake.

(Time skip)

Evan's POV

'Goddamnit!' I thought to myself.

No matter what I did I thought about Jonathan.

When I took my shower, when I ate my breakfast, when I was driving, it didn't matter. I couldn't get him out of my head.

I sipped my hot coffee as I leaned against the wall waiting for something to happen.

"You okay Evan?" I herd a familiar Irish voice take me out of my daze.

"What? Um, yeah I'm... I'm good," I looked over at David and my other friends who look concerned.

"Are you sure, ever since that thing ya' did yesterday you seem out of it," I bit my lip.

"He told me what happened, he was in human trafficking for six years, he was seventeen and drank half a bottle of vodka and somebody took him..." All of their eyes widened.

"Wait, why did he tell you?" Lui asked almost gasping.

"I don't know, he just told me," I shrugged. "But I can't go see him because I work too late... but he doesn't have anybody, his family is dead and he's from another damn state," I shook my head.

"What are we going to do?" Craig asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'll probably let him stay at my place until he can live on his own..." it was silent for a minute. "He's hurt real bad, I stayed there for hours yesterday and he was too weak to even wave his hand..." I ran my hands through my hair.

(Time Skip)

"Hey Evan?" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to see my Boss, Marcel.

"Oh hey boss what's the matter?" I asked biting my tongue.

"Well, I herd about Jonathan and how you wouldn't have time to see him and such so... until he gets out of the hospital I want you to leave work three hours early..." Marcel said seriously.

"Wait actually?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yep, and if you say you're there for investigation you can stay as long as you want," Marcel paused.

"There a catch isn't there?" I asked knowing it was too good to be true.

"Well, I want you to ask him more about what happen, ask him to tell you everything," Marcel looked me dead eyed.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes and sighed.

(Time Skip)

I held my note book and pen in my hand tightly as I walked into the hospital room.

"Jonathan?" I asked quietly as I shut the door behind me.

"Evan?" He peeped up as he turned his head.

"Yep, and I brought you food..." I walked over to him and set the bag of Chick-fil-a on a small table near his bed.

"Thank god, I'm starving..." he said with a smile.

"So," I pulled out his food and handed it to him. "How have you been?"

I asked as I started eating a waffle fry.

"Well... my bodies going through drug withdraws and ever part of my body has second degree burns from rope and such..." he coughed then began the lift a fry to his mouth.

"What do you mean 'drug withdraws'?" I asked.

"Well, in order to keep me from getting away that doped me up with drug cocktails that kept me barley conscious..." he laid his head back against the pillow.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I know how you feel..." I shoved more food in my mouth.

"What do you mean?" He asked with an eyebrow lifted.

I sighed and finishing chewing as I threw the empty fry box into the bag.

"I used to live in Canada and the place I live in was very... poor and a lot of people... overdosed on medicine and such, so I got addicted but when I moved to America, in order to become a police officer, I had too... give that up," I admitted as I bit my lip.

"So... where's you're family then?" He asked.

Jonathan's POV

"So... where's your family then," I asked.

'Don't forget to smile'

"Huh?" I asked confused of what Evan said.

"I said they're in Canada," he replied.

'The more you move the more you'll get beat'

"Evan stop saying that!" I started to get upset.

"Say what?" He looked at me confused.

'Come on the more you resist the more it will hurt'

"N-nothing... never mind..." I shook my head and pulled my fingers through my long hair.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm sure. "

(Time Skip)

Evan's POV
"I'm just worried that I'll get taken again..." He admitted as he finished eating his food.

"Actually, about that... I was wondering if you wanted to maybe... stay at my place for awhile..." I looked into his blue eyes.

"I would... like that..."

A/n: I know it kinda just drops off here but I'm posting this chapter and the forth one on the same day. The only reason I dropped it off here is because I don't want the chapter to be too long. Right now I'm driving home from my grandmas so wick me luck because this is going to take forever

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