Chapter Five ~ Think Once, Cut Twice

745 19 5

Word Count: 780

Evan's POV
"Oh god what are the guys gonna think..." I thought to myself nervously.

I shouldn't be nervous. My friends are my friends, if they have a problem with it then I doesn't matter.

I walked into the station and I was met immediately with all my friends

"Evan you have some explaining to do," Craig smiled.

"Huh..." I lifted my eyebrows confused.

"Cut the shit I know you like Jonathan..." Lui stood with his arms crossed.

"Wait what? I've literally only been with him for like eighteen hours how do you know this shit?"

Lui was kinda the dad of our group so for a moment I was almost unsurprised.

"Got dammit," David hissed as he handed Lui a twenty dollar bill.

"Hell yeah!" Lui checked the dollar and then put it in his pocket.

"What the hell..." I whispered to myself.

"We had a bet, I told David that you were gay," he seemed really confident while Brian on the other hand was freaking the fuck out.

"How..." I was so confused at this point.

"Evan I've been gay all my damn life I know what to look for," he winked then walked away.

"Wait what?!" David ran over to lui.

"I'm fucking SHOOK!" Craig's eyes were wide.

"I'm kinda embarrassed of your gaydar skills," Brian patted Craig's shoulder.

"Gaydar is for people who are gay Brian, I'm straight, I have a girlfriend..." He stressed.

Brian's chuckled and started walking away as Craig watched.

"I know your looking at my ass Craig!" Brian shouted back.

Craig rolled his eyes and followed him.

I shook my head and sighed.

"What the fuck...?"

Jonathan's POV
'Why are you eating so much?'

"Because you starved me..." I replied as I continued to eat the snacks that Evan got me.

'You know your gaining a lot of weight right?'

"Evan said that's what I'm supposed to be doing," i stuttered getting a little insecure.

'He doesn't want to hurt your feelings because he's tired of hearing you complain.'

"S-shut up, y-you don't know anything," the more anxious the more I stuttered.

'Well you don't want your relationship to end up like the last one you had with Troy do ya?"

"T-that's different..." I yelled.

'How so, Troy was strong and said he loved you, but then his friends found out about it and guess what happened'

"No!" I covered my ears in attempt to block out the voice.

'Say it!'

"Shut up!" I screamed.

I ran to the kitchen. I pulled out a butcher knife. The voice would leave if I hurt myself. That's what he wanted. He wanted me to be in physical pain.

I rolled up my shirt and cut deep into my stomach but not deep enough to damage.

"Fuck!" I let out a hiss of pain.


I heaved as the cut stung my chest.

I held close to it as I bled out on the floor. I started to get light headed and my attempt to stand up mad it worse as I fell. I took a moment to calm down and was able to, slowly, stand up.

Most of the blood spilled onto my clothes but so it soaked into the tile floor.

I still had hours until Evan got home so I got to work instantly cleaning up the place.


Evan's POV
"Hey Marcel?" I asked as I knocked on his officer door.

"Oh Evan," he got up and opened his door to let me in. "What's up?" He asked as he sat down at his desk.

I pulled the pad of notes out of my back pocket and set it in the desk.

Marcel looked up at me confused.

"I know it's been a month are so since you asked but I finished my notes, it's everything he told me..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh... thank you..." he grabbed the notes and began to read a part of it.

He then looked up at me and sat down the note pad.

"I would have never guessed that you were gay," he looked at me with a smile.

I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Lemme guess, lui told you huh?" He nodded while chuckling.

"Well, I was actually planning to have a party this weekend at my place, it's just gonna be are friend group. I figured you could bring Jonathan so we could meet him," he suggested.

"Yeah," I replied.

I think h e ' l l l i k e t h a t


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