"No way, not after having the time of my life hanging out with you. I am not letting you walk home. Come on, my car is this way" he said, with a tone that meant that it was not up for negotiation. they had finally made it out of the park, exiting the gates, towards Kellin's car. Kellin wasn't extremely tall, as Casey noticed. He couldn't tell at first, since he had been siting down when he saw him. He was a little below average, just a few inches short of Casey. Casey could almost see over his head, without having to stand on his tip toes. 

It was kind of endearing, and cute...

Wait, what?

Pushing that thought aside for later, Casey looked over at Kellin's car. It was a rather well taken care of car. Just from first glance, he could tell that he took pride in his ride. It was a black car, a Tesla, but Kellin wasn't showy about it. Unlike the kids at school, who's cars were hot pinks and practically screaming money, his was more reserved and simple, like any car should be. They walked up towards the car, and Kellin walked towards the drivers side, leaving Casey with the option of getting in on the passengers side. The windows didn't have a tint, and had little to no smudges and finger prints. He opened the door, only to be greeted with grey, leather seats. Their was a cup holder in between the two front seats, with a few in the back. Casey and Kellin both got in the car, both of them strapping in, and Kellin starting the car. Then Kellin turned to him, with a smug smile on his face. 

" Okay Mr. Casey, tell me where to go. I kind of feel like an Uber driver right now" he said with a chuckle. 

"Just go straight, and take a left at the second second stoplight, and there we will be, Mr. Uber driver" Casey said with a chuckle. 

"Okay, here we go!" Kellin said, turning around, and leaving the park, all the while Casey was laughing at the way Kellin was acting. It reminded him of a roller coaster conductor, except the kind that wasn't a moody teenager. 

They were rode in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, till Kellin reached over and turned on his music, which was connected via Bluetooth to his phone. What began to blare through the speakers was not what Casey had been expecting, as Spice Girls 'Wannabe' began to play.

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!" Kellin began to sing loudly, his voice high pitched and barely making it. 

Casey began to laugh so hard, since he knew Spice Girls, but he didn't think that this was the type of stuff Kellin listened to. Kellin was jamming out as they were getting closer to the thing second stoplight, doing all sorts of weird dance moves. Casey was laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes. The windows had been rolled down when they had started driving, and now the entire city could hear Kellin's Spice Girls. Casey looked over, catching Kellin mid sprinkler, and he decided to join him, as the song to came closer to its most famous line.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends" Casey sang, purposely sounding high pitched, jamming out with Kellin. 

"Make it last forever, FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS!" Kellin sang with Casey, putting his hands back on the wheel to turn left onto Casey's street. 

"If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give"  Casey sang, screaming out the lyrics, causing a few more heads to turn towards the car, their faces littered with shock. Some people were even trying to suppress laughter, as they heard two teenage boys singing Spice Girls horribly. 

"Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is!" Kellin and Casey finished, has Kellin came to a stop in front of his apartment. They broke down in laughter, allowing for the song to continue on. Kellin looked up at Casey with tears in his eyes. Casey slowly stopped laughing, his stomach hurting from all of the laughing he had been doing today. Kellin looked at Casey with a sad smile.

"I guess this is your stop right?" he asked.

"Yeah...I'm sorry man, this has been the most fun I've had in a while, hanging out with you" he finished with a sigh, then smiling back over at Kellin. 

"Hey, no need to apologize. Here" he said, reaching down into his pocket to pull out a pen.

"Give me your hand" Kellin said, gesturing towards Casey's hand, while holding the pen in his right hand. Casey leaned over, placing his fairly large hand in Kellin's slightly smaller one. Kellin began to right down his number, so that Casey could call him.

"There you go! I guess that's goodbye Casey, and you had better text me" Kellin said playfully, with a smile on his face. 

Casey moved his hand back, looking down at it, his face beginning to heat up slightly.

Twice in one day? That's a first.

"Okay Kellin, thanks for the ride. Goodbye Kellin" he said with a smile, unbuckling himself, and getting out of the car. Before he closed the door, he leaned down and waved, to which Kellin waved back with a smile. He walked out and around the car, towards the building, hearing Kellin restart his car, and pull out of the parking area in front of the building, driving off. He walked inside, trying not to let the buildings slightly sad demeanor get to him, especially as he finally approached their apartment room. He opened the door and walked in, the room the same way he had left it this morning. After he had shut the door, he pulled out as his phone as he began to walk towards his room. He put Kellin's number into his phone just as he approached the door to his room. 

To Kellin from Casey:

"Hey, it's Casey :)".

Not more then a few minutes later, he got a reply.

To Casey from Kellin:

"Hey :) I knew you were going to text me ;)".

Casey smiled, his heart rate picking up a little more as he began to reply again.

He still didn't know why he felt this way to begin with.

...He didn't feel this for anyone till he meet Kellin...

...So what was this feeling?

A Muscial Nobody (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now