8. Flashbacks and Comfort

Começar do início

"It's okay, it will get better. I promise." He says and kissed the top of my head.

Lucas' P.O.V

I can't bare to see Maya like this. It pained me that she was going through this. There's no doubt that the guy at the club was the guy she was telling me about. I knew he was shady from the moment I seen him eyeing up Maya. I should have gone with her to the bathroom to make sure she was okay. God damn it.

I lifted Maya up bridal style and took her to her room. I laid her down on the bed and tucked her in.

"Good night, Maya." I said and stroked her hair out of her face. I turned to walk off but her hand grabbed mine and stopped me.

"Please stay. I don't wanna sleep alone tonight." She says with a sleepy pout. Her eyes were red from crying and her nose had a pink tinge to it. She looked so cute.

I smiled and nodded. "I'll go put some pajamas on." I finally said before she nodded and let me go.

I went to my room and put my joggers and T-shirt on. As soon as I was done, I went to her room, shut the door and off the light as the lamp light was on.

I got into bed next to her and put the covers on me. Maya was already turned towards me and looked at me with a smile.

I smiled and put my left arm behind my head. "You alright?" I asked and felt butterflies in my stomach as she examined my face.

"Thank you. If you weren't there, I don't know what would have happened." She says and her right hand finds mine and laces her fingers with mine.

"I would do anything to protect you. You know that right? You are my best friend and if I didn't protect you then who would've?" I answered and rubbed circles on her hand with my thumb.

Her eyes got lost in mine as I said those words. She moved closer and let go of my hand, putting her arm around my torso and laying her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Lucas." She said and sniffled.
"No one has ever done for me what you have and I love you for it." She says and I put my arm around her.

I love you too...

I didn't answer, I just laid there looking up at the ceiling and contemplating whether I should tell her that I love her too. Does she want to hear that though? She's going through stuff right now and if I lay my feelings on her then she might lose her mind over it, I mean she's already heart broken over the guy at the club. Lucas, just leave it. Now is not the time.

Maya's P.O.V

My phone buzzed so I picked it up and read the text.

'Babe, come over. Doors open x.' - Xandar

I smiled and got off my bed and put my shoes and jacket on. I left the house and ran to his, which was only 5 houses down.

I opened the door and called out for Xandar.

"In here!" He shouted and I went up to his room. I stopped in my tracks before I could reach the door, I heard kissing and moaning coming from his room. I slowly walked to the door and pushed it open.

As soon as I seen who it was tears immediately fell down my cheeks and pain engulfed my heart. Without even thinking I grabbed the bitch's hair and dragged her off Xandar's little ass dick.

"Get the fuck out of here, bitch!" I yelled and dragged that Nicole's filthy ass out the room. I threw all her clothes at her and didn't forget to throw her skanky ass heel at her head too.

Just Go With It (Lucaya Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora