Motherly Love

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There once was a boy who was ashamed of his mother. His mother only had one eye and he was embarrassed. He used to say, "Mother, please your embarrassing me.", "Mother, please they all call you cyclops." or "Mother please! you look so weird with one eye! Stay away from me, your ruining my chances of a life!"

All through life he would say such things to his mother until one day he turned to her and said, "Mother! Stay away from me! I have my own family now, I don't want my children to be scared of you the same way I was, Mother please, just go away."

Time passed and his mother started to get ill. She tried calling her son but he would just push her away, saying he didn't want her there. His mother was so upset, she had looked after him all his life and when she needed help, he turned her away?

One day, the man was thinking about how horrible he uses to be to his mother. He felt so guilty. He decided to go and pay her a visit. When he reached her house she wouldn't open up. He banged on the doors, but there was now answer. The house seemed empty and quiet. He walked round the back and pushed at the back door until it creaked open. He walked around the while house, calling, "Ummi, where are you?"

When he reached the front bedroom he stopped in his tracks. His mother was crouched over her chair. "Ummi?" he asked, there was no reply. He reached over to his mother, she was stone cold. Tears flooded his cheeks as he shook his mother. He picked up a piece of paper, that was on the desk next to her, and opened it up.

Inside read,

Dear Son,
I am sorry I have embarrassed you. I'm sorry your were ashamed of me. But Now's the time you hear the truth, I want to tell you the reason why, the reason why I only have one eye. When you were born, the doctors had to do an opperation on your right eye, as there was some deformity with it. In the end, they couldn't fix it and had to leave you with one eye. I felt so bad, I didn't want you to get bullied in school, I didn't want you to suffer in life. So I told the doctors to give you my eye. I thought you'd be grateful, but I was only met with hatred. I'm sorry I made your life a misery, I'm sorry I embarrassed you, I just didn't want to see you hurt. Because I love you too much.

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