Part 6: Talk with Shikaku 2/2

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Naruto's POV

Gaara.. just kissed me..

"Mmmm..." I oppened my eyes and I made a suprised noise. I couldn't see Gaara's face but I could feel his skin brushing against my face. It felt.. nice. It felt so nice that I coudn't keep my eyes open. The moment I closed them, my heart started beating even faster than before. His lips were cold and they left so good against my warm ones. I can't believe that but.. I actually like it..

I felt Gaara's breathing on my cheeks which was enough to make my legs start feeling weak. I know that I should concentrate and all but..

Gaara's POV

I found myself in front of a big, golden cage, surrounded my darkness.

"Hey, you are here" a voice came out of somewhere

I started thinking who could it be "Shikaku..?"

"No, he is not here yet" the voice was coming out of the cage.

I stepped closer and then I saw a massive eye staring at me.. The eye kept getting closer and closer. Soon I realized who it was

"The nine tails"

"Or Kurama. Choose whichever you preference"

"Nine tails is fine. Where is.. Naruto" I asked, noticing he isn't around

"As far as I know.. he is having some troubles concentrating enough to come" the Fox said with eyes full of humour "Do you mind if we start without him?"

"No, that's fine"

"Good. First, do you know why Skikaku takes over you so easily and kills?"

"Coz I want him to? Or maybe because I don't care if he does?"

The Fox kept staring at me without saying a word when out of nowhere, I heard Naruto's voice

Naruto's POV

"You made it, kid"

"Ugh.. somehow I did.." I glanced at Gaara who was staring at me "Hi.." I waved shyly at him but he didn't respond

"So this is inside of you?" He asked

"Yeah.. more or less.." I looked at Kurama who seemed pretty confused "Did something happened while I was.. erm.. not here?"

Both of them stayed quiet, looking at each other. Soon, Kurama started speaking again "Come closer to me. I need to have some sort of 'physical' contact with you so I can summon Shukaku here"

Physical.. contact..?

"Hey!!" I shouted as I saw Gaara getting closer to him "What are you planning on doing?!"

Kurama sighed "I'm not gonna make out with him, don't worry"

"I.. wasn't worried, dattebayo.."I mumbled and looked at them. Gaara went up to the cage and calmly waited for Kurama to get closer. When he did so, Kurama lowered his head. His's and Gaara's forehead slightly touched and after around a minute, I felt the presence of something else with us..

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" an angry voice asked

I looked around and then I noticed.. there was another cage on the left side of me. I looked carefully only y see another pair or massive brown eyes staring at me. Is that Shukaku..?

"Nice to see you again Shukaku. It a been a while"

"Ku-ra-maaa! Is that you, you idiot!?" Shukaku asked, angryly

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