"Anna? What's-" I interrupted him, just stepping forward to hug him tightly, burying my head in his chest.

"I-I miss him. So goddamn much."

"Anna," Clay mumbled sadly, finally wrapping his arms around me to hold me close, brushing my hair just like Jeff used to but it just wasn't the same.

Luckily, Clay knew this and wasn't trying to force me to talk about anything I didn't want to, instead he just took my mind off of things- just like Jeff did, even buying me snacks in an attempt to help me feel better.

It was working for the most part until he had to go back to work and then Hannah paid an impromptu visit.

"Hannah asked for you," Clay mumbled, taking a seat next to me, reaching over to grab some of my candy.

"I'm hoping you told her to screw off?"

"No," Clay chuckled, "I did tell her I didn't know where you were though."

"Thanks... why did she drop by anyway?"

"To pick up her check. It was weird though, I told her we could've just sent it to her-"

"Obviously she wanted to see you, Clay. She likes you."

"Really? Well, it doesn't seem like it- especially after the party."

As much as it hurt to talk about the party, I knew I couldn't avoid the topic forever, "Oh, cmon. She was just a little shaken up. You should've stayed, talked to her- given her time to adjust."

"Well, you sound just like Jeff," Clay chuckled, making us both freeze, him sighing in realization, "Sorry."

"Don't be. I can't avoid talking about him forever, right? And besides, someone has to be like him since he's no longer here... even though there will never truly be anyone like him."

An awkward silence filled the room as I stood up after I've had enough, "Well thank you for the company, Clay. Hopefully, I don't get you fired."

"Oh, who cares about that. How about you? You sure you'll be fine?"

"Yeah. I'm just gonna go home and rest it off. Thanks again."

Sharing a final hug, I said my goodbyes to Clay, making my way home where dad tried to apologize but I just brushed off, instead opting to take a nap, waking up later in the night to a knock on my door.

Seeing Hannah walk in, I immediately sat up, unsure of what to expect.

Hannah looked very apologetic though- just like dad.

"I'm sorry," Hannah mumbled, going to sit next to me, "You're the one person I never thought I'd let down yet- yet I let you down. I let mom and dad down. I-I'm sorry."

"You didn't let me down," I mumbled, wiping my tears, "And I'm sure you didn't let mom and dad down- what happened with them?"

"I uh... I was supposed to make a bank deposit for them but I forgot I left the money on top of the car and I- well... I lost it."

"You what?"

"I know," Hannah sighed, "But I'm already working out a plan to pay them back but I still feel horrible and... hey do you maybe wanna go for a walk with me?"

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