The Folks About Town

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There are many faces about town besides our Main Cast. Some just pass on through. Some are here to stay, but they are all an integral part of what makes Busted Gulch an interesting place to visit. 

Here is a list of the Non-Authored and Authored Townies of the Gulch. (Non-Authored parts are open to be Authored if anyone wants to join the collaboration. Parts however must be approved by the entire group and a trial period will be given to any new member to see if they are a good match for the group. Interested parties should PM storytellers-saloon )


U. B. WELL - Resident Physician of the Gulch. Despite being an old fashioned doc, he has recently been swayed to the healing powers of the blueberry muffins. His full name is Umberto B. Well but it has not been discovered what the B. stands for.  *(Unauthored)

Unger the Undertaker - Business is good for this Undertaker-Coffin Maker so he's decided to stick around Busted Gulch. Figuring when the Sheriff is 3Gun Wild Bill Dakota Kid Jr. there will always be another body to add to boot hill. (I believe he offers a frequent buyers club, to which 3Gun and Billy the Kid are members) *(Unauthored)

Little Ron - The son of, we aren't exactly sure who, just that his last name is Boyle. He helps CG (Crazygoose) around the print shop and delivering the latest copies of the Gold Pillars. He has a penchant for getting into trouble mostly at the hands of 3Gun who likes sending him on errands, and was a thorn in the last deputy's side (Stannbear).  He never seems to be where he's supposed to be, but somehow always manages to get the job done. *(Unauthored)

Pastor Philip Stein - Town pastor of the local church. He and his congregation are a bit Bible Thumping which got them into some trouble with the Tent City. When someone who did not care for his message graffitied his church. *(Unauthored)

Hugh Bellows - Town Smithy and care taker of the horses at the local stables. Great guy who 's awesome at shoeing. Good friends with U.B and Unger. *(Unauthored)

Satchel and Lotta Baggage - Proprietors of the local hotel where many of the Main Cast stays currently including 3Gun, Ruechari, and Billy the Kid. Lotta has been known to stand in for Crooked Smile as Barkeep when he is otherwise engaged. However she is not very good at listening to the woes of the patrons as she's always talking about her own problems. Satchel is also good at pest removal, seems a hazard of owning a hotel. So should you have a horse stuck in your bathroom... Satchel is the man for the job. *(Unauthored)

Jasper - A transmogrifing cat who can change his form from a cat, to a panther, or to a human. Originally a human who went to Ruby for a spell, but the spell went wrong (surprise, surprise) Jasper now is under Ruechari's protection and spends most of his time with her. (Authored by Ruechari

*The unauthored characters of the Gulch are often picked up and written by whomever needs to interact with them. And are up for grabs should you wish to join the Gulch but do not wish to create a new character. 


Ms. Evelyn Treelane -  A singer who comes in by Train that is known to be a bit sweet on 3Gun. In fact the last time she passed through town she refused to stay when she found out our Sheriff was away. CG for reasons unexplained although obvious to everyone but 3Gun has a grudge with the lady hence the nickname Treeface which you will often see her referred to as when CG is speaking about her. *(Unauthored)

Ronald Lapdodge- Ms. Evelyn Treelane's Manager he travels with her and cares for her every need. *(Unauthored)

Will Barter -  A Drummer with a suitcase with just about everything you may wish to buy from weapons, to tools, to lady's frilly underthings. If you are looking for something special Will is your go to guy. *(Unauthored)

Old Teddy Wink- (Also know as Tiddley to his friends) He's a traveling salesman and has a wagon full of treasures. Currently he has made a make sift home in the Tent City, giving poor Clara and Rachel (his horses) a much needed rest. *(Unauthored)

Old Chris 'Whip' Cracker - Stage coach driver from Rickety. He sometimes brings the mail to Busted Gulch and on the Winter Holiday he dresses as Old St. Nick to deliver gifts to the children of the Gulch. *(Unauthored)

Loopy Lou- An informant of CrazyGoose... well the only one to be named. *(Unauthored)

High Ride Ali- A horse racer she is highly competitive and wanted revenge after the last Busted Gulch Horse Race, which was fixed by Croc and the Diamond Gang. Her horses are now in the care of Ruechari if and when she should return. (Authored by AliceMorris7 )

Ronan O'Boyle - A guy who sometimes walked on the wrong side of the law. Broken out of jail by Lean Copperclover with the help of SixStar. He smartly choose to leave town when his old boss Spent Shell came looking for his ex partner Carob Bob. (Authored by RonanOBoyle )

The Virginian- Son of a ex-slave he came to the Gulch looking for adventure when none was to be found he took off to parts more untamed to seek his fortune and to continue making a name for himself. (Authored by  )

StrayDog- A mysterious man who wishes to become business partners with Alister. (Authored by leandralynx ) 

Coal Bone - A resident of the Tent city that somehow knows StrayDog. Connections have yet to be revealed. (Authored by leandralynx )

Gyn- A Young girl who was a resident of the tent city who bravely informed the Gulch Gang about the teen trafficking. Gyn secretly hopes to become a resident of Busted Gulch, and we hope she will one day. (Authored by AmbergrisJane

Jujube- A member of the Toffee Nation, son of Chief Gummie Bear who was betrothed to Ruechari when they were just children. However, during the Jamboree Jujube realizes she is not the one for him and sets her free. (Authored by Ruechari )

Chief ThingaMajig -  The New Chief of the Kittana Katari (Kit-Kat Tribe) He has been on a search to find his niece after seeing her in a vision. He frees her from the hold the Wraith has on her and tells her he expects her to uphold her promise to marry Jujube. When Ruechari runs back to the Gulch he follows bringing Jujube with him. He has not decided if he will stay in the Gulch or not. (Authored by emeraldfalcon )

Gani- A resident of the Gulch who passes through the comments from time to time. Responsible for the idea of the Kissing Booth for Jamboree, a source of much fun and tension. He won a lemon cake at the Cake Walk. (Authored by 1saGani )

Moonie- Another resident of the Gulch who passes through the comments from time to time. Allegedly started the muffin fight at the Saloon, although she denies it. And has been credited with the idea of the Jamboree to raise money for the Red House girls. She also stopped Billy from pummeling Jujube in a very inventive way (read The BG Jamboree -To find out how(Authored by MoonshineNoire )

***Section to be updated as characters are added or make it on the Main Character List

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