"The Unwritten Rule"

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Ironically, I am taking a moment to explain "The Unwritten Rule" which of course now makes it a written rule... but I'm going to explain it anyway. 

If you desire to write for the Gulch or are a reader who enjoys the story you will need to know... 

"The Unwritten Rule"

 -If isn't a chapter, it never happened!

What this means to new writers or readers of the Gulch is... you can read or say something in the comments of a chapter about a character, the story or a plot line but if doesn't make it into a chapter it never actually happened. Pretty much is just heresy or rumor. 

For example: 

It is a fact that the Sheriff sends messages via a pigeon, because messages have been received and read in a chapter. 

However, the opinion that he was "Drunk Pigeoning" (to be explained in The BG Menagerie) when he wrote those messages falls under "The Unwritten Rule"  as it was never mentioned in a chapter the condition of the Sheriff when he wrote it. 

So, if you are reading the Gulch and could have sworn something happened that didn't, it most likely took place in the comments. 

If you a writer in the Gulch and you want to make it so... well, you know what to do ; )

A Guide to Busted GulchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora