The Stone Wall

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12. The Stone Wall

Let's say Luke is picking on you. This hasn't been the first time and you are just annoyed. You could fight back with comebacks or punching, but you don't feel like it. So instead you take out your earbuds and stealthily put them in your ears while playing some of your favorite songs. It might help to cover your earbuds with your hair, if you have long enough hair. After you have your music playing you can just walk away like you didn't even hear anything Luke said. If he shoves you, just keep walking. But if he keeps trying to get you to fight him you should probably walk by some teachers or friends who can beat him up (because everybody should have ninja friends) and get him to back off. If not then turn around, tell him "I didn't hear what you said, so please don't repeat it because I won't be listening," smile and either run or walk away (depending on how fast you want to get away from there). It's like putting up a "stone wall" and just deflecting everything throw at you. 

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