Chapter 27: Beyond Everything

Start from the beginning

But then again, he was harsh during the first few meetings with boy. If Harry would not want to call him anything besides Professor or Sir or anything that suggests that they have some sort of bond besides Teacher and Student, Severus could never blame the child. Harry might find the sudden request as pervasive, something that calls for commitment and bond or a call for a risk. Severus knew that Harry did not like risking- a very Slytherin trait; everything around him must be sure and very stable, a trait that Severus himself possessed.

But why? Why was a big part of him wanted Harry to say yes? To consider everything? Was a month of kinship enough? Was a well-spent Christmas together enough, Or did Harry need more time to adjust? Oh, Severus hoped that it really was and that Harry was willing to let an adult take care of everything for him for once. While Snape knew that Petunia and the Durselys had taken Harry in, the boy maintained his very independent and wild thinking. Harry sought for a freedom he knew he lacked. But Severus felt that Harry just needed something stable, someone permanent and for a lifetime.

While the Durselys had given Harry a family, Harry had lost them. Severus wanted to be the one to give it back and more.

After a few moments, Harry found his voice, "Uhm... I... I don't know."

Severus looked down for a second; his shoulders slumped a bit and his lips thinned.

Harry was still there, though. The boy looked as if he was trying to say something, but was holding it back.

"Harry? What is it?"

Harry, by this time, knew that he did not know how to lie or hold information from Snape. Although he had his nerves threatening to overcome him, he rarely listened to them anymore, especially when it comes to Snape. So with a timid voice, Harry said while suddenly finding the floor very interesting, "I don't know, Sir. I don't... I don't know how or what to call you. I... I don't want to call you by your... Your name, see. It's... Names are for friends."

Severus realised that it was somewhat to become a lengthy conversation, "But Harry, we are friends. We tend to talk a lot."

But Harry vehemently shook his head. Snape was more than a friend. Snape was...

Well, what was Snape? What was the place of Snape in his life?

"Harry," Severus was now crouching down in front of his ward, "Harry, what is it, child?"

"You're more than a friend to me, Professor."

"Well, child, what do you think we are?"

What are they, Harry wondered? What is Snape to him, anyway?

Harry closed his eyes for a moment, and he thought of Severus Snape. There are a lot of things that he thinks about Snape; powerful, intelligent, a man of his word, his Entrusted.Harry had never been close to anyone- not even to Petunia and Vernon- as close as he was with Severus. Severus, while gentle, was a disciplinarian. And Harry sometimes needed that, he admits. It's because he's still so young.

Severus was his guardian, always hovering and always there. Sometimes, Harry wondered if Severus even thinks about himself at all.

Severus was his mentor, from Potions to spells to life. At his young age, standing in their quarters' doorway, in his riding gear, Harry knew that Snape was teaching him a lot about life.

"I don't know," Harry sighed as he opened his eyes.

"Come here," Severus said.

The boy did as he was told. Severus then did something he had never done before- he told Harry to sit on his lap.

The Boy: Brandon DurselyWhere stories live. Discover now