06 | grades, youtube and hockey

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06 | Grades, Youtube and Hockey


This week has been a bit depressing but I've learnt to control myself enough not to actually get depressed.

I'm a straight A student in most subjects except chemistry... I hate it but my dad said take it...increases your chances to go to a good uni blah blah blah. Lol.

So anyways I got a C in two subjects this week:( and I'm so sad about it. I got a 66% in an English test and although some people might say its alright like you finegurl002 you know me well enough to know that is just ahh😭 and a 61% in bio and I'm just like :( :( :( .

The other girl that is also top of my class before me also got a C in bio and we are kinda both well just a bunch of nerds right now...its a C😩😭. My grades mean a lot to me so that's a very bad grade for me to get. :| :(  ( this does not mean I like school. I hate it so much all those lesson and stuff...boring but still have a grades just Idk makes up for it sucking)

But then when I told my parents about both low grades they are like "It's alright. You can always do better in the next test." And I'm like wah. But I really feel sorry for the other girl because her parents are the type to push her to doing very well in school and just even getting a B, they'll get really mad at her.:| :(

Anyways with all that said and done. YouTube. I wanna start a YouTube channel on my birthday (or around my birthday cause I'll be very busy around that time) in August, but I'm very scared about doing that.

It's most probably gonna be a singing and comedy channel (I'm not sure about the comedy but I can be pretty funny when I want to... Don't say anything child finegurl002 and I don't care if you are older than me 😂)


My dad doesn't want me to go for the hockey match tomorrow in which I am participating in and there aren't even many people in the team anyways so its kinda necessary that I go. He made me miss the match last week where they were given certificates. Because it was an Olympic event. 😭 (the girls team came second:) :) )
It's going to be the only sport I participate in and I want to participate because apparently you need at least one sport to get into some university especially good ones...( It's what my teacher said anyways )

So he should let me play but he says I have to many clubs.

I mean its only
- magazine club (soon to change its name)
- Photography club
- Science Club
- Eco Club

And then my music theory classes and piano lessons.

That ain't a lot.😭

I'm sorry I sound like some whiny nerd right here....but heh? What can I say... I'm not always whiny though plus it's kind of a rant book. And just know that although I care about my grades a lot and I'm more book smart that street smart, girl I ain't no nerd. Just maybe sometimes.

I'm currently on half term - which lasts only one day so its barely a half term, sigh - and my mum wants me to leave the house, like wah. I wanna be lazy. Puhh-lease I haven't even started my homework.

Sigh. Again.

So bya...I guess. I might add something though lol😕

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