Chapter 12 - What happened to Hands

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The Pack Lord was relaxing next to the Goddess though in this case they were in his realm. He had felt her starting to reach out and he simply held her until she came back, "That was a good thing you did for Singer. And you wonder why I love you, you silly Goddess. I am still waiting for you to answer my question. I mean seriously it has been many millennia since I asked." He brought that up occasionally just to tease her.

She grinned at him once she was back from what she had been doing, "It keeps you on your toes. Besides I have to have something to keep your interest you know." She gave him a knowing grin as she glanced at a few of the females in his central room. They all grinned back at her since many of them were from her realm.

The Pack Lord laughed before snatching a People Bone out of thin air and offered it to the Goddess, "Can I bribe you with one of these?" He waved it under her nose and pulled it back when she tried to get it, "I want an answer first..." Before he realized it one of her females snatched it from his fingers and sniffed it before nibbling on it. He started laughing again.


Salty was sitting with Rain and they were watching one of the wretched movies Hands and slipped in. In this case, it was something with those dogs which were pets. It had something to do with small dogs in snow. To make it even weirder they were talking even though she knew they were just animals. Both were giving it odd looks as they and some of the other pups were gathered around the display watching it. She was still feeling frustrated at knowing what Rain was yet not being able to say anything about it.

When she had renamed him, she had felt the Pack Father side of him. It was far more muted than it had been for Hands. That was even when he originally came to the temple. Salty wasn't sure if it was because he was her age or not which also bothered her. They had been quietly talking a fair amount over the last couple of days.

She really liked him and so did the other pups in their pack. Dreamer and River had connected with him and they were really enjoying spending time with him. One thing they had learned was that even with the limited education Rain was smart and was sucking up what they had to say. He was incredibly curious and now that they were away from the Pack house he had access to so many things. There were books, stories, shows, and information he had never imagined.

*Matriarch do you have a few minutes?* Normally Salty would have used Kyth's name but in this case she needed to talk to Kyth in her pack role.

Kyth turned and looked at Salty and sampled her feelings. Since Salty was feeling serious she didn't mutter at her, *What do you need Salty?* Since a number of the girls had contacted her and some of the older girls she didn't have any idea what she might want. Heck, Kyth didn't even have a vague idea of what Salty might want to talk about.

Salty started nibbling on a claw, *We will need to talk to Hands, Toes, and possibly even Golden. I can't tell you why since I have been ordered not to talk about it. I think Rain might actually fit in our pack quite well. Pack Father Hands was talking to us about it and I like Rain and he is a really nice person.*


Before Hands left with Golden he turned to Savory and Nuzzle, *I need to talk to Golden. Take Dreamer back and comfort him. I will be back soon.* He gave both a good hug, *This is pack father stuff Nuzzle and I know you would want to be there I need to talk to him in private.* He licked an ear to tease the little girl, *Love you Nuzzie.*

She looked at him with sad eyes before she returned the hug, *Is understand Pack Father.* Nuzzle grumbled quietly when he licked an ear, *Loves you to Hands. Be back soon Hands.* After one last hug she leaned back against Savory and relaxed.

Dawn of Hope - Folician Chronicles 7Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon