"Children! Stand to attention! I present to you, Alpha Hunter, his mate Luna Alexa, and their children, Ethan and Moira," our teacher called out, getting my attention quickly. I straightened up, smoothing out the ruffles in my skirt, as they walked through the doors. I was an Omega, and along with my fellow Omega's, I was forbidden to look the Alpha's in the eyes, as it would be viewed as a challenge. But I couldn't stop myself.

Hunter walked in first, his mate by his side, huge smiles on their faces, and they started talking the the teachers and occasionally to the children at the front of the queue. They looked so strong, especially Alpha Hunter. My mum and dad told me that he used to be hated by the entire pack, he was so strong that everyone was scared of him, but not anymore, now everyone loved him.

In Luna Alexa's arms, was Moira, their six year old daughter, who was looking around, intrigued by all the other children surrounding us. What caught my interest though? The young boy standing behind Alpha Hunter's legs...

He had short, messy, deep black hair, and hazel eyes that scanned the room, seemingly bored with the current situation. They then reached me, and everything seemed to stop...

For what seemed like hours, it was just me and him in the room, no one else even mattered, it was just us...

Then it all stopped, abruptly, when I felt a pair of hands press up against my back, and push me forwards. I landed with a thud on the floor, my hands barely having time to shoot out and protect my face from the fall. All the talking suddenly stopped, and I could feel tears burning at the corner of my eyes when the sound of laughter reached my ears. Before I knew it, everyone was laughing at me, and I wanted so badly just to sink into the ground and never come...

I felt hands grip the top parts of my arms, and someone very strong pulled me back up onto my feet. Tears ran down my face, but I managed to look up at the person who helped me. I stopped breathing, my eyes widening in shock... when I saw Ethan standing in front of me.

"I... I'm so... sorr..."

"Not strong enough..." he whispered, his whole body shuddering slightly, as he stared deep into my eyes.

I felt my heart beat really painfully as I heard his words, and the tears came thicker and faster.

"Hey! Look at Annalise! She's crying!" the laughter got worse and worse, and so I did the only thing I could think of... I ran...

----- End of Flashback -----

I felt the familiar feel of burning tears as the memory tore through my mind. Ever since then, everyone at school had avoided me, thinking that because the Alpha's son had shunned me, they all had to, so I had no friends until I left school three years ago. I was never strong enough for him, so why should anyone else think any differently? Liam was the first friend I'd ever had, and I was so grateful to him for being there for me. He was the same age as Ethan, had even been in the same year at school, but they were never friends. Different social circles I guess...

"Warning! Warning! A minger is calling you...!"

I giggled, before quickly grabbing my phone and pressing the answer button.

"Hey Liam, shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked, still trying not to giggle.

"The fact that you knew it was me means you haven't changed that ring tone yet... I'm hurt..." a nasally, but still friendly voice answered back.

I snorted in a very unsexy way, and tried not to giggle as I responded, "I think it's a rather apt ring tone for you, after all you aren't exactly the sexiest man I know!

"What?!" his loud, gasping voice roared out. "How dare you say that? I'll have you know that you're the sexiest woman I know! Feeling guilty yet?"

 I burst out laughing, and he did the same, making my day instantly feel so much better having spoken to him.

The Omega's (Sequel to The Shy Alpha)Where stories live. Discover now