Chapter 12 - Life is Unfair

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“Mia! What happened?! You’re covered in scratches.” I opened my eyes and let out a shuddery breath. “It happened while I was running away….but they also left a lot of bruises….my whole body hurts.” I whimpered and Jean cursed under his breath.

“We cannot believe you.” The colonel had walked up to us and Jean seemed to snap. “Colonel!” “Its ok. I can understand…..after all Envy is a shapeshifter and he could come into the military as anyone.” I stood up, my knees trembling slightly and held out my hands. “You can arrest me and I am ready for any trial that you wish to put me through.”

I stared at the colonel, but my vision went blurry suddenly. I blinked and shook my head but I felt dizzy. I felt tired and my eyes went unfocused. And I fell forward into darkness.

Jean pov:

“Mia!” I caught her as her eyes closed and she fell forward. She was limp in my arms and she was breathing heavily. I picked her up properly bridal style and brought her face close to my neck. My eyes widened and I gasped. “Colonel! She’s running a really high fever!”

The colonel hesitated but then sighed. “Take her to the infirmary. Ask the nurse to do a though rough checkup.” I nodded and made my way out of the office and headed to the infirmary. Mia was still breathing hard and she had clutched my uniform tightly in her fist. She was sweating and her temperature seemed to be rising every minute. I was sure it was her, there was no way she could be a homunculus in disguise.

I picked up the pace and ran to the infirmary. I kicked open the door and the nurses there seemed startled by my intrusion. But when they saw Mia in my arms, they led me to a bed and I put her down. “Sir, please wait outside. We will have to undress her.” My face heated up slightly and I cleared my throat. I nodded and walked out of the curtains around that bed. “Do a though rough checkup please.” “Yes Lt.”

I waited for about 10 minutes and I looked up when I heard footsteps. The colonel entered followed by lt Hawkeye and he gave me a hard look. I sighed. At the same time the nurse came out from behind the curtains and smiled with a blush at the colonel. I restrained from rolling my eyes.

“How is Mia?” I asked her and she snapped out of her daze. “Oh, yes. She has a slight fever…..I think its mostly due to pain. Many parts of her body are bruised and one of her ribs is cracked. But she will be fine in a few days. She can walk around normally, but I would suggest she doesn’t go out on any missions for now.” I felt a pang of guilt go through me. If I had been more careful that day then none of this would have happened.

“Is she a homunculus?” Colonel asked and the nurse shook her head. “No, I don’t think she is. Her wounds are real and so is her fever.” The colonel nodded and I gave a sigh of relief. “Lt Havoc, I have a mission for you.” I turned to the colonel and gave a slight glare. What mission? I didn’t have the mood to go on a mission when the most important person in my life was suffering in pain.

“I want you to take care of Mia Rosewater until she is fully healed. She will be staying with you for security reasons until she can protect herself again.” I widened my eyes but saluted him. “Understood colonel!”

Mia/Misaki pov:

I groaned as I opened my eyes. I felt hot and I was sweating. But when I opened my eyes, I realized I was in an unfamiliar room. My vision was slightly blurry and my body ached. I slowly pushed myself into sitting position and held my throbbing head tenderly in my hand.

I stood up slowly and made my way to the door of the room. I winced and covered my eyes at the sudden light and I sighed. I looked around and my gaze landed on Jean who was in the kitchen. “Jean?” My voice was hoarse and he turned around to see me. His face broke into a smile and he walked to me. He pulled me into a gentle embrace and sighed.

Sharingan Alchemist - Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist Crossover storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang