Chapter 4: I Want a Divorce

Start from the beginning

"Mandy," the only other regular said softly. Her short red hair made the freckles stand out along her cheeks. If I'm not mistaken, her name was Alice, the wife of victim number two. "Are you prepared to end this torture once and for all?" I closed my eyes, as though the decision were too hard before nodding in acceptance.

"Come," Leaza commanded, walking into the next room, expecting us to follow her. This room was smaller than the first, but similar in decorating style. The angel Gabriel stared me down as I took my spot along the wall. "Tonight, we will meet in this room at 11 o' clock, promptly, and you will each bring a lock of your abuser's hair." The new women shot looks at each other, and Leaza quickly smiled, looking more like a grimace with the scar that broke her face in two separate parts. "To pray over, of course." She tugged on her loose yellow dress, and I watched the veins on her wrist jump, as though something were stuck inside of them. "Now, however, I need a lock from each of you."

My heart clenched, but I quickly stepped into the small line in front of Alice who held a pair of scissors.  Debbie extended a bowl out to catch the small locks as they fell. Neither noticed the small wince that came from me as I watched my hair drop into the bowl. Magic like this would be tied directly to me, and that made me hesitate. But if I was to come across as innocent and naive as the others, I couldn't let them see how anxious I was. In front of me, a petite Indian woman raised her hand nervously as though she was not used to being allowed to speak. "How can we get their hair?"

Debbie took this question while the woman tied her dark black hair back up into its bun. "If you are unable to collect by tonight, we will help you on a later date." The woman nodded in understanding, lowering her head as though that were how she talked to everyone  My heart ached knowing that nodding into submission was probably normal for her. Maybe we shouldn't stop these women. They really did need help.

"Go now. May God be with you." Leaza called to us, gesturing us out of the room. Once we were out, she shut the doors, locked up with our hair.

Can you say creepy?

Slipping past the larger of the two other women on the stairs, I dropped a GPS tracker into her purse easily as I hurried to catch up with the smaller one. The boys and I had decided that keeping an eye on potential witch recruits would be a good idea. Walking toward her, I noticed this tiny Indian woman had on a very nice white outfit that screamed 'money' at the same time it shouted 'interview'. "Wait up!" I whispered, walking briskly toward her in my heels. "I'm Mandy. Mandy Carter. What was your name again?" I asked once she had stopped. Her eyes darted down to her watch, and then up to me.

"Divia Ghadareh." She spoke quietly, as though she had no choice but to answer me.

I pursed my lips, looking at her tightly wrapped bun, and comparing it to my messy pony tail. She really knew how to keep up appearances. "Do you think this is right?" My question came out quiet, as though afraid to be heard. Reaching out my hand, I lightly brushed her arm, allowing the other tracker to drop into her open purse. "I've heard these women do more than prayer, and I don't want Anthony to get hurt. I just don't want to get hurt anymore." Allowing my voice to shake, I watched her closely for a reaction.

Lips tightening into a line, Divia's eyes hardened. "Whatever they do, I hope I never see him again. He brought this upon himself." She bowed her head and began to turn from me before stopping to add, "If they don't kill him, I will."

She picked up her pace as she made her way outside, leaving me standing there in disappointment. To bring such a timid person to that kind of passion, her pain must have been great. After a moment, I made my own way outside, beelining for Stanley. Once inside, I turned up the radio, of course, and sang along to 'Sweet Child O' Mine' while I drove to pick up food. Five burgers and three fries later, I was heading to the motel.

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