"Chi Tea latte." Someone calls and I go over to and pick it up before we sit down. "Kenzie. I'm so sorry." he says as I take a sip of my tea. "Tan-" he cuts me off. "No. Let me talk. I will do anything to make it up to you. Please just give me another chance. I'm in love with you and I can't loose you." he says taking my hand. "I can't just automatically forgive you. Sorry isn't enough. And no amount of gifts or money or anything won't be enough. You have to earn back my trust. I've just forgiven people in the past because I didn't want to loose them and they just turned around and stabbed me in the back. It sucked Tanner. And it broke my heart when you said that to me. So I can't just pretend you didn't say that because I will always remember it." I say completely serious.

"I know. And I'll earn it back. I promise. I'm not loosing you. You're the best thing to happen to me Kenzie." he says squeezing my hand. "What about your subscribers?" I ask. "Their after you." he says. My heart warms and my cheeks turn red.

"I'll give you a second chance but I want to take things slowly." I say. "Okay." he says pulling his hand away. Now mine feels empty so I close it into a fish and pull it back to my body. "I didn't mean what I said about Josh. He doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you." he says. "I know." I say bringing the cup to my lips. We sit there for a few minutes in silence just looking at each other smiling. I look away and take a sip of my drink.

"I... I think I should get home. My mom wants to keep a close eye on ya know with everything that happened." I say smiling slightly. "I understand. Let me walk you to your car." he says and we stand up then walk out of Starbucks and the mall. Soon enough we get to my car and I turn around to face Tanner. "Well thanks"." I say smiling. "Yeah anytime." he says putting his hands in his pockets. "Would you mind if I looked at your... scars?" he asks. I shake my head and slowly roll up sleeves to my elbows.

He furrows his eyebrows and runs the pads of his fingers across it. The cold nips at my skin and Tanner gently pulls my sleeve back down. "Thank you." he whispers. "For what?." I ask hugging myself. "For giving me a second chance." he says looking at me. "Yeah. Don't blow it." I say unlocking my car.  "I won't. I promise." he says turning around and walking away.  A sigh escapes my lips and I get into my car and pull out of the malls parking lot.

On the way home, my brain won't shut off. I just keep in thinking. Can I trust him? Will he hurt me again? What will happen when i do trust him? Those thoughts rack my brain until I get home and see another car parked in my spot. "Oh my goooood", I groan parking next to the front lawn. I get out of the car and walk up to the door and walk in. "Who the hell parked in my spo-." trail off once I see my dads boss.. and his god damned son. "Oh. Sorry. I'll be upstairs." I say turning around and running up the stairs.

Once I get to my room I lock the door and drop my purse on the ground. I sit down on my bed and grab my phone with shaky hands. The only person I can think of is Tanner and Quentin. Maybe Quentin can scare Josh or something. I go to our group chat and quickly send them a text.

Me: Guys. Josh is here.

Quentin found out about Josh from Tanner but I didn't care. Quentin and I know a lot about each other and we're really close. I trust him.

Quentin: I'm coming over.

Tanner: Same here. We'll be there soon. Stay calm and hold on.

Feeling better, I set my phone down and lay on my bed, waiting for them to arrive. I hear knocking at my door and I know they can't be here already. "Hello", I yell sitting up. "It's me. Josh." he says from the other side. "Go away." I yell. "I was thinking that we could have some fun. I heard that you and your boyfriend broke up." he says. "We did. And I'm not looking for another relationship." I say as I shakily stand up. "So?" he says. "So get some sense of personal space! Leave me alone!" I yell.

I hear the doorbell ring and I know it's Tanner and Quentin. My dad will get it and send them up. "Kenzie! You have visitors!" my dad yells from down stairs. I open the door and push Josh aside. "Send them up!" I yell back. Quentin is first up the stairs and Tanner behind him. Josh takes a step back and swallows. "I heard that you've been treating my friend badly. And if I hear you hurt her again, I won't be to happy", Quentin says popping his knuckles. "Okay, okay. I won't bother her anymore." he says inching toward the stairs. "Good" Quentin says narrowing his eyes at him.

Josh turns away and walks down the stairs and looks back at us every once and a while. Soon, Tanner pushes his way around Quentin and wraps me in his arms. "I'm so glad you're okay." he says and I hug him back. "Yeah. Me too." I say closing my eyes and smiling slightly. I've missed having his arms wrapped around me. I want to hold him forever. But I know I can't. So right now will have to do.

(A/N)Wasup my peeps? Okay that was a weird way to say hi. Anyways! Hey guys what's going on with you? So here is another update for you beautiful people. Have I ever told you how amazingly lucky I am to have you guys? No? Well I am. You guys keep me going. So I have school starting up again tomorrow and I don't know how busy I'll be this week so maybe only one update but I'm not sure yet. But that's about it so bye for now my loves!💜

Cross my heart, hope to die //Tanner Braungardt//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz