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  A PART OF Wilma was afraid to sleep that night, wondering if Zelena would come and finish the job or if she would have another terrible, startling dream, but she never relaxed quite enough to trigger a vision or be caught by surprise. Throughout the night, she barely slept, but instead of letting a dark mixture of depression and fear swallow her whole, she thought about happy stuff — for example, Killian — which led her into grinning into her blanket like the dork she was.

  Killian had come back to the hospital late in the evening, when it was already dark and Wilma's arm had been shielded with a cast, and he was still there, sleeping on the chair next to Wilma's bed and drooling against the leather collar of his long coat. The woman had insisted numerous times on him just going to The Jolly Roger, well-aware that the slowly rocking waves were the one thing to lull him into a proper sleep, but he had proved her wrong by falling asleep next to her, after telling Wilma about his afternoon with Iron Maiden. Apparently, the story about taking the car to the mechanic and getting to know the vehicle was supposed to make Wilma sleepy, but instead, Killian had fallen asleep himself — Wilma was glad one of them got some sleep, though.

  In the morning, he left quickly, due to Wilma pushing him into it. The heroes of Storybrooke were still busy fighting Zelena, and Wilma wanted Killian to do his part instead of spending all his time worrying over her, especially when there was nothing he could do at the hospital. Luckily, the man became quite motivated after Wilma told that Zelena was the reason Iron Maiden had driven itself into the tree, swearing revenge on the witch, and that was the last thing Wilma heard him mutter as he stormed out — after placing a kiss on Wilma's cheek, of course. And just like that, she was alone again, but at least there was a television in the room.

  But eventually, someone stopped by.

  "Regina!", Wilma gasped when a familiar face peeked in the room, and as the queen stepped in and approached the bed Wilma was still stuck in, they smiled at each other — until the brunette remembered what had happened last night. "You and Zelena... How—How'd it go?", Wilma questioned, and chuckling, kind of unable to believe that even after almost dying she was still worrying about others, Regina shrugged.

  "I... won", she smiled, "she was after my heart, but luckily I was smart enough to not bring it with me", her words sending chills down Wilma's spine, but eventually, she broke into a smile as well. Instinctively, Wilma opened her one good arm to invite Regina into a hug, but the queen opened her mouth to disagree, eyeing Wilhelmina warily, which reminded the latter of her beaten state.

  Clearing her throat and lowering her arm, Wilma nodded. "Right. Well, about Zelena... She showed up here last night, actually — she told me that she cast a spell on my car, which is why I crashed in the first place. If it wasn't for her, I would've probably made it safely to the inn", she then muttered, sighing as her head dropped back into the soft pillow supporting her neck in the upright position, but Regina didn't react as lightly.

  "She did what?", the queen spat angrily, her eyes widening and nostrils flaring, and her painted lips pulling into an unhappy grimace, clearly not taking the news very well, and even though it was the last thing she should have felt, Wilma couldn't deny the spark of happiness in her heart. Was she really worth Regina's anger? The mighty queen's wrath? "The next time I see her, I will slap her, even harder than I did last night", Regina continued, crossing her eyes in full-on protective mama bear mode, causing Wilma to smile carefully.

  "You really don't have to—", Wilma tried, but Regina had made up her mind.

  "Trust me, it'd be my pleasure", she scoffed, but once she understood that Zelena had indeed hurt Wilma, the look on her face softened and she gave a worried look to the bedridden woman. "Are you at least somewhat okay? Do you want me to heal you? I could do that", Regina continued, and Wilma was already about to shake her head, but came to a different conclusion, in the end.

A KIND OF MAGIC ↝ Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now