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  "ARE YOU CERTAIN this is as good of an idea you say it is?", Wilma whispered, though not very quietly, as she followed Belle at the docks, with the princess confidently in the lead. "Not that I doubt you or anything, I just— I hardly think confronting a pirate is a good thing. Especially one with a... hook for a hand", she muttered, trying to keep up with Belle's determined steps, with her eyes frantically looking around the windy docks in case Killian were to appear unexpectedly — especially because she knew him already, despite claiming Belle that all the little details she shared with Wilma were brand new information to her. But Wilma wasn't so sure if her endless kindness towards Killian would be appreciated, especially now that she was trying to win Emma's trust. Sharing a hotel room with the villainous pirate was hardly the way to do that. Therefore, she decided to keep quiet until she would be able to convince her friends that Killian couldn't be that bad.

  "Don't worry, Wilma. We'll be fine, I assure you. I just need to stop Hook from destroying Rumple's happiness", Belle spoke, and Wilma shivered at her words — well, that did sound pretty serious, she had to admit that. Therefore, she shut up and followed the princess, who was holding a gun, just in case, and the only sounds filling the silence between the two were the squealing seagulls flying in circles above them, and the calm waves hitting against the shore. But then, both Wilma and Belle noticed how, indeed, the seagulls were flying in circles, surrounding something, yet it was invisible to their eyes.

  As the smart woman Wilma had always known her to be, Belle grabbed a handful of sand from the nearby box and tossed it into the air, that then turned into what looked a lot like the outline of steps. "Found you", was Belle's choice of words as she strode ahead, and with careful steps, she stepped on the platform the sand had revealed before disappearing into thin air, like she had stepped through a portal. With wide eyes, Wilma followed her lead and carefully placed her foot on the steps, and then walked until she too entered the pirate ship Belle had successfully discovered.

  And it was beautiful.

  As a lover of boats and ships — born a Pisces — Wilma was breathtaken and most definitely impressed by the ship, painted with strong shades of red, yellow, blue, black and brown, and the spars rose high with the majestic sails moving with the gentle wind. To be honest, it was the most glorious vessel Wilma had ever seen — one on water, though, because nothing could ever come even close to her Iron Maiden. Nevertheless, it left Wilma gasping as she looked around the awesome ship, which she could imagine Hook being the captain of, indeed.

"Come on", Belle broke Wilma's train of thought, and turning to face the woman, the latter nodded.


  AFTER SAVING DR. HOPPER, who had been presumed dead only to be found in Hook's ship, Belle and Wilma traveled around the vessel until they ended up in another cabin where the princess began to look around, with Wilma staying behind her and keeping an eye on the surroundings just in case.

  "So, let me get this right. Mr. Gold is Rumplestiltskin, but also your — don't take this the wrong way — Beast? And Hook's Crocodile?", Wilma pondered as Belle dug out a treasure chest and proceeded to try and open it with different approaches, to no avail. Chuckling, Belle nodded to confirm what Wilma was suggesting, and trying to comprehend all that, Wilhelmina leaned against the nearest wall and followed from aside as Belle finally found a key and pushed it into the lock of the mystery chest.

  With a click, the chest unlocked and Belle lifted the top, but instead of what she had been looking for, she came face to face with a handful of coins and other trivial objects she couldn't care less about. The silence in the cabin lasted for barely a split second, when suddenly, a familiar voice spoke from behind Belle and Wilma, causing the latter to nearly choke on her own breath and trip over thin air.

A KIND OF MAGIC ↝ Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now