The last chapter

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Kuro: why....
Mahiru: like any person? Or just us
Hyde: I choose lich-tan!
Licht: why?
Hyde: cause then I can touch you whenever I want
Licht: Pervert
Misono: I want to switch with Tetsu... for obvious reasons
Lily: I don't want to switch
Jeje: I don't either
2nd question~
Misono: a better question is when does he not strip...
Lily: hehe
Misono: he's doing it right now!
Lily: I'm not... *strips*
Misono: it's an addiction to him. But to answer your question about every two minutes
Lily: nu-uh
Misono: ya-huh
So hey guys... in case you didn't notice my writing has really sucking a lot more lately and that's purely because I have no motivation for this fandom.  It's a good fandom and I love the anime and people but I finished the series a long time ago. I've been slacking and barely updating so instead of leading on the remaining fans I'm going to end this book. I'm sorry but it's not good anymore maybe in the future ill start writing again but for now I'm stopping.

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