Make out session....

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"I dare tsubaki to make out with mahiru without mahiru knowing about it! P/s good luck hope sakuya didn't mind~" - MayuNakamura
Tsubaki: hmm alright....
Mahiru: uhhhhhh
Kuro + sakuya: *glaring at each other*
Me: go! Mahiru tsubaki!
Tsubaki: fine... *kisses*
Mahiru: *kisses back*
Me: it begins!
Kuro: why am I here?
Sakuya: do you even know what jealousy is?
Me: because the fans that's why!
Tsubaki + Mahiru: *making out*
Me: oooooooh
Sakuya: *pissed*
Me: now is he jealous of tsubaki or Mahiru?
Kuro: *shrugs*
2 minutes later...
Me: ok! ok! ok!
Mahiru: that was tiring...
Kuro: you're telling me...
Sakuya: *unconsious*
Tsubaki: I'll take him back *drags out of room*
Me: bye!
Kuro: I wanna nap
Mahiru: me to
Mahiru + Kuro: *walks away*
Me: well that happened! 👋

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