Shut it child!

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Kuro's turn to be a mama!
Sloth Pair
Mahiru: ahh I'm so tiny...
Kuro: gahh so cute!
Mahiru: this sucks
Kuro: I'm a mama
Mahiru: Kuro your not my mom
Kuro: we can pretend though
Mahiru: no
Kuro: awww
Mahiru: ughhh
Kuro: hehe
Mahiru: I'm gonna sit here and not do shit
Kuro: this sucks ass
Mahiru: now You got three kids to take care of
Kuro: ughhhhh
By the end of the weak Kuro was dead...
Greed pair
Licht: I don't trust you
Hyde: hehe
Licht: what are you gonna do?
Hyde: *furiously cuddles*
Licht: every time....
Hyde: well does that mean I have to feed you and stuff like that?
Licht: I suppose
Hyde: yay!
Licht: I guess its ok to be spoiled every once in awhile.
By the end of the week Hyde was very sexually frustrated.
Envy pair
Jeje: what is this
Mikuni: haha I'm so cute now
Jeje: why...
Mikuni: Jeje has to take care of me for a week!
Jeje: ughhh
Mikuni: Jeje pick me up.
Jeje: *picks up*
Mikuni: now spin me!
Jeje: uggghhhh *spins*
Mikuni: yay!
Jeje: ugh
Mikuni: heh Jeje can't fuck me while I'm like this
Jeje: I can drop you
Mikuni: kya! Don't drop me!
By the end of the week Jeje was veeeery tired.
Lust pair.
Lily: oh. My. Gawd.
Misono: I'm so much smaller now
Lily: your so cute!
Misono: wow
Lily: cuuuuuute
Misono: now your definitely a pedophile
Lily: just because I think kids are cute doesn't make me a pedophile
Kid: Lily?
Lily: yes?
Kid: why is Misono small like us?
Lily: fangirl magic!
Misono: really?
Lily: yes.
At the end of the week not much changed except misono's opinion on lily's sexuality.
Pride pair.
Hugh: what is this?
Tetsu: I'm so much smaller
Hugh: and yet your the same size as me
Tetsu: so this is how you view the world
Hugh: I can't take care of you your the same size as me!
Tetsu: well I don't know what to do
Hugh: in calling your mom
Tetsu: Kay
Hugh: now how to explain this...
The week was very educational for tetsu and very skill testing for Hugh...
Tsubaki: I am a child...
Sakuya: oh my God
Tsubaki: what?
Sakuya: your adorable
Tsubaki: aww thank you
Sakuya: aghhh your so freaking adorable!
Tsubaki: hehe
By the end of the week Sakuya was dead from cuteness overload
I am sorry for not updating for so many days but I had major writers block plus I was sick for a week and just ugh. But anyway sorry again and happy thanks giving I know its early but whatever its like two hours early. 👋

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