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He should have seen it coming from a mile away.

He really should have noticed something was off as soon as Kiichi had excused himself from walking him home, disappearing to his own place instead, claiming he had something important to do. But for some reason he hadn't; he'd been glad, believing he could finally have an afternoon by himself again, without a certain idiot getting all up in his business.

And now Kiichi was here again, on his doorstep, a suspiciously large backpack sitting on his shoulders.

Kimishita pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping this wasn't what he thought it was. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?" Kiichi replied, looking offended. "I come here every day, moron!"

Narrowing his eyes, Kimishita pointed at the backpack. "What's with this, then?"

"That's my stuff," Kiichi answered like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Oh great, this is exactly what I think it is. "What kind of stuff do you even need at my place?"

"I'm staying here for the weekend!"

Why, why, why had he not seen this coming?

Kimishita glared at him, stepping forward to bar the way in, one hand resting on the door, ready to slam it shut in Kiichi's face. Helpful or not, he was not going to let Kiichi stay at his place for the entire weekend. There was no way he'd allow him in here, where he could so easily discover everything he'd been desperately trying to hide.

"Like hell you are!" he snapped, glaring at Kiichi. "What do you think you're doing, inviting yourself into someone else's house, huh?"

Kiichi clenched his fists. "Shut up!" he shot back, one hand reaching to grab Kimishita's shirt. "You think I'm gonna leave you by yourself till Monday or what? So you can pull more all-nighters and eat less and get sick for real? Over my dead body!"

So he was planning to monitor Kimishita day and night. Less time to get things done. More distractions. And the constant threat of accidentally revealing something that would make him even more worried.

No way in hell.

"If you wanna watch me that badly, just stay here during the day!" Kimishita shouted, already knowing the battle was lost. Kiichi wouldn't change his mind. "There's literally no reason for you to sleep over, dumbass!"

"Then how do I know you're not staying up till three in the morning and studying or some shit?"

"How do you know that during the week? Same difference!"

Kiichi blinked, taken aback for a moment. Then his stubbornness took over again, and he scowled. "Still!" he insisted, trying to shove Kimishita aside and brush past him into the apartment. "I can't just leave you alone for a whole weekend when you're like this! I'm staying, period!"

"And I'm telling you, go home!"

"I'm not going home! If you don't let me in I'm sleeping under a bridge! How's that, huh?"

"You can sleep on a plane to Argentina for all I care! Get your ass outta here!"

"Then what if I catch a cold or get robbed? I thought you had a responsibility for the team, Captain!"

Kimishita jolted, feeling a slight stab. Kiichi had a point here... but he couldn't give in. No matter what happened, he couldn't give in.

"It's not my responsibility if my teammates act stupid or irresponsible," he snapped, grabbing Kiichi's hand and ripping it away from his shirt. "Now go home!"

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