Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am the most feared girl in Westwood High School. I ain't no typical Queen Bee. Especially not like those fake plastic barbie dolls. With full lips and green eyes I look like I can wipe the existence of humans from earth. Everyone in Westwood feared me.

I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't even realise when we reached home.

Zac followed me to my home.

Well it was an untold routine. Whenever we had to go for an outing he always helped me decide my cloths.

He climbed onto my bed and picked up my pink bra that was lying on the floor.

"Nice color Crys it would suit you. I would love to see you in it." Zac winked at me.

"Haha I forgot to laugh. Go and check Astrid in bra and not me."

"She is my Best Friend Crys just like you" he tried to save his ass but failed miserably.

"And you think I am a dumbfuck to accept this shit explanation of yours. Anyways tell me what should I wear. Aargh this is so irritating."
I groaned looking at my closet

"You know what chuck your cloths Crys. Lets go shopping. Its 12:00 and we still have 4 hours left. You are in grave need of new cloths"

Okay so you see why he is my best friend. He knows what I need even before me. I was a responsibility of my sister but it was always Zac who really cared about me.

We reached Sierra mall. It was a 10 minute drive by car.

"Zac lets go to that shop." I dragged him to a shop named Cassandra.

"Sure Cryssie baby."

"Stop calling me that moron" I glared at him.

"Hey look at that red off shoulder top. It looks amazing Cryssie Baby." He replied pulling my cheeks

"If you call me that one more time, I will kick your balls right of your mouth. And by the way bad choice." I punched him.

"I am gonna get that royal blue tank top." I informed an ran off in the opposite direction.

"Well try this tube top as well."

By the end of our shopping spree we bought 7 tops, 2 mini skirts and 3 shorts.

Well don't judge me now. All of this shit wasn't for me.

The lover boy got some for his birdie as well.

I am so sure he is head over heels in love with her.

Today is the chance to get him accept that.

After the shopping we went to Mr.Muggle's Pizza.

"Zac I thought I was your Best Friend." I told him while taking a bite of my pizza.

"You are Crys."

"Then tell me honestly that do you love Astrid or not."

"I don't." He replied while nervously biting his nails.

He always does that when he is nervous.

"If you are gonna lie I would never talk to you." I practically screamed banging the table.

Falling For The RivalWhere stories live. Discover now