Chapter 12

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As I was already awake and the whole wing was deadly quite I decided to take a bath in the boys washroom. So I grabbed my clothes and towel and started towards the washrooms wearing slippers.

The washrooms were completely neat and clean. I sighed in relief to found that not even a single soul was in sight. I quickly  went into the toilet. Looks like they have got the toilets out and cemented the area. Nice.

But the doors were too small. Well, it is fine for me. I mean come on! My height is really short. One place I can bless my height. As it would be very difficult for tall girls to take a bath in here.

Not my problem I guess.

I quickly started stripping and started the shower. There was no place to hang my clothes so I put them on the walls. Suddenly I heard footsteps. Oh man. Seriously?

The footsteps entered the boys washroom and a voice asked, "Amy? You in there?"

I sighed. It's just Rachel.

" Yeah. Taking a bath. Why are you here?"

"For the same purpose." She replied.
"I thought the toilets would be clean at this hour and I was right."


I started to take my bath and smiled at the feeling of cold water hitting my skin. Who would have thought I would with my own wish go for a bath. Huh. I snickered a little as I heard Rachel curse loudly as she realised the same problem of the height of the toilets.

"You are lucky. You know that." She gritted her teeth.

I laughed out loud, "I know!"

After taking the bath, I left Rachel to complete her business and entered our room. All the girls were still sleeping, so I decided the obvious thing. To wake them up.

I went towards Sakshi and Sansa and shook them awake. Both of them got up while yawning. Then I proceed to wake everyone. It took some effort but finally everyone was awake. I stopped some girls from going outside and told them that I have to talk with all of them. As Rachel was still taking a bath I thought this will be the perfect opportunity.

"Listen guys, I know this camp is little out of your comfort zone and its not as you expected but try to do your best. You your self saw how even the officers think that we are spoilt." Some girls started to protest. I put up my hand for silence and continued. "I am not saying that you guys should kiss their feet and let their words paas. Oh hell no." I smirked. "I am telling you to handle them in a way that they themselves don't understand what hit them. We are the girls of DPS and we don't take insults lightly. Am I right?"

"Hell yeah."

"It's time to show them how things are done our way."

I smiled. "Now now. Don't go on rebelling okay? Just show them who's the boss without going verbal and physical."

Everyone nodded and went to get ready. Most of the girls decided to not take a shower while some went to take it. When RacheL returned she was surprised to see everyone awake and almost ready. I walked towards her and smiled softly. "Don't worry Rachel...we won't disappoint you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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