Chapter 6

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Sry for the long wait but now my exams are finally over. Yayyyy!!.
Hope u enjoy the story.


A groan escaped my mouth as someone shook me awake. I sat up slowly and yawned very unlady like while rubbing my eyes. I looked  around to see most of the girls sleeping.

I looked towards the culprit who disturbed my sleep and gave her a tired look. Rachel sighed and pointed towards the other girls with an irritated face.

"It's time to wake up and get ready." She said.

"And let me guess, are not able to wake them up?" I asked with an amused face stifling another yawn.

"Are you gonna help or not." She snapped.

I raised an eyebrow at her rude behavior but let it pass for now and quietly turned around to wake Sakshi and Sansa first.

"Sorry...didn't mean to snap. Lack of sleep." Rachel muttered.

I gave her a small smile of understanding which she returned and went to the task at hand. First I shook Sakshi and told her to wake up until she was sitting and then did the same procedure with Sansa. While Rachel was trying to wake Haroop and some other girl, I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag and started walking towards the bathroom.

The sight that greet me was
horrible put it mildly. I scrunched my nose in disgust at the scene in front of me. Different girls from different schools were inside the girls bathroom and boys bathroom. The floor was all wet and the girls Washroom was stinking of unspeakable things. I looked both sides with horror and disgust at the sight before me and stopped the urge to vomit. I put a hand on my nose and stepped inside the washroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face and hurried out of that gross area. I shook my head a little at the unsanitary of these girls. I mean they all are behaving like cave people who had assessed things like basins and faucets for the first time.

I returned to our room to see almost everyone awake or conscious. As I entered the room I said rather loudly, "guys I warn you all that the bathrooms are disastrous so don't faint at the sight."

Everyone looked at me like I am crazy so I rolled my eyes and waited till some people witness the scene for themselves. I counted till fifteen when few girls went out and smirked at their wide eyes. That gesture only was enough for everyone to quickly realise that I wasn't joking.

Rachel groaned from a corner,"Where the hell have these girls came from..." She muttered something else but I drowned it out as I started to worry where to change. I can't go to that horrible place again. For god's sake it's a kids washroom and from the position it is in I pity the children who will come after holidays. I thought a little and decided to change the top only and leave the lower.

I quickly looked from side to side and when I was satisfied that nobody is looking I quickly changed the top.

Now you must be thinking when am I gonna bathe? Right. Well it can wait I don't stink.


I put some deodorant and put my hair in a pony. Then I proceed to wear my socks and shoes. Suddenly my stomach grumbled. I took some biscuits out of my bag and start munching on them. I looked at the time in my watch and saw it's almost time for the whistle.

I started towards the stairs and soon reached the ground area to see some girls already waiting there. Soon the officer came and whistled loudly. Everyone in the building started coming out in a hurried pace. I made the files of three with the available girls of our group. Soon Rachel joined us and I took my place.

When everyone was assembled some more officers came forward and divided us into small groups. Their were 4 groups in all. Each officer took it's own group and ordered them to start Jogging.

While Jogging we were led out of our school and we went from gate one to gate five. Till the time we reached the school's official play ground I was breathing hard. But instead of taking us to the football field they took all the cadets to the racing track. We were made to run three rounds of that four hundred meter track.

Now I am not a couch potato but that doesn't make me sporty. I am average in my sports grading and like to play some sports. It doesn't mean I can run this long or maybe I am actually very lazy. Blah.

Till the time we get seated on the football field I was dying inside. How the hell am I going to cope up with this I wondered.

As I got my breathing under control another teacher announced that it's time for the Yoga. I groaned inwardly at the torture. If my position is like this I pity the girls who didn't sleep a wink because of their mobile.

I huffed and stretched a little then started following the moves of officer.

Looking at the grass I decided to do the rest of the exercise without wearing any footwear. I pulled out my socks and shoes quickly and sighed in pleasure at the feel of the grass under my feet.

After doing the Yoga for another hour we were asked to jog again to reach the school gate. After that we were dismissed to have breakfast.


After the crappy bread jam all the cadets went to their rooms to change into their uniforms. I sighed in relief to see the washrooms clean. Thank God for sweepers.

I changed in one of the cubicles and went to the room to put other accessories with it. Completely satisfied with my appearance I looked for my school shoes.

As the whistle sounded through the building everyone rushed to the bus parking area. After settling the children we were again divided into four groups. The instructor started giving us the commands and we started following them. 

Right left right...... Right left right........ Turn around and stop.

"Cadets right turn" the instructor commanded. We turned right with rigidity, pulled our left leg up and stomped it with force to stand in attention.

"Cadets you are the chosen ones from your school so feel privileged to experience this new life of unity, order and discipline." The officer said in a deep and commanding voice.

"YES SIR." Everybody said simultaneously.

"I want everyone participating eagerly for the different events that are going to take place. Also you are here to learn new things and not for a holiday, so any indiscipline would not be tolerated. UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes sir"

"I said UNDERSTAND???"


This is sure gonna be an amazing camp filled with lots of enjoyment. Not.


Just a filler chapter though I tried to make it a little intresting.

Just comment any grammatical mistakes if you find any politely.

Wht do you think of Rachel?


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