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"Are you sure Rachel?"

"Maybe you heard wrong?"

"Ewww sooo gross." (That isn't me.)

"Do they really expect us to bathe in there?"

"Look guys....."

"I am totally complaining."

"Ok now listen here......"

"We didn't sign for this."

"The only thought wants me to puke."

"Now now calm....."

"Are they crazy?"

"Do we look like road side idiots to them?" (This is hilarious).

"SILENCEEEEE. God stop behaving like whiny girls." Rachel said angrily.

"Oh but they are whiny girls." I muttered under my breath. Sarah snickred beside me.

When everyone was settled down Rachel started speaking,"I know what you guys are thinking and my thoughts are same so we have to come up with something instead of complaining. Any ideas?"

Everybody started thinking and then Rose one of the most popular girl in our grade spoke,"You know boys hostel have bathrooms....I have some friends their so we can take a bath their."

Everybody looked a little hopeful.
"But if you are caught you would be punished.", I warned them.

Avril who was Rose's bestie spoke up,"Its our school we could always sneak. Duh."

I looked towards Rachel who was thinking about this plan but then shook her head."it's too risky and our image is already down."

"Oh come on!! Don't be a wuss Rachel." Di said challenging her a little.

"Please Di she's anything but a wuss. If you want to go then shoo no one is stopping you.",I spat.

She looked furious and I got a little scared as she is just like clarisse from Percy jackson. She narrowed her eyes at me and then looked towards Rachel.

"Fine I will do whatever I want." She said and stormed off to her bedding with her friends. I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior .


After the matter of bathing was discussed we decided that girls can bathe in the hostel block if they want but on their own risk or there is always the option of boy's toilet. Everyone was a little hopeful about the bathing schedule but some girls were still doubtful.

After the matter was discussed our group consisting of Rachel, Sakshi, Sansa, Sarah, Me and some more girls sat near the room's window. I looked towards Sarah and smiled a secret smile.

"Well guys...Sarah and I were thinking about the bathing thing.", I said.

"Yeah? What about it?" Sansa asked.

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