{A Bad Motherfucker}

Start from the beginning

  "I'm partial to the Picolo Flute." Dizzee turns to them from beside me. They all look at him wierdly before turnign bakc to their conversation. Zeke glances at them and then looks to Shao.

"What you think?" Shao turns to him. "You know I could write something for you, you know, something special for the conductor."

  Shao looks down chewing and thinking over Zeke's words. Boo-Boo hits the table as he looks back to Zeke.

  "You gotta write fast."

  Ra and Boo whoop in excitement as Zeke nods. I smile at Ra-Ra giving him a thumbs up.

  "We only got a week, and we gotta rehearse, can't have the orchestra fucking up the main event." He watches Zeke closely. "You dig?"

"Aight." He stands grabbing his plate. "Then I'm gonna see you first thing in the morning."

  "Where you going?" Shao asks watching him as he moves over to the trash.

"He going play piano for his girl." Boo laughs.

"Don't give me that look." He speaks to Shao.

  "Besides we're going to help Mylene out, I only came to get Zeke." I cut in moving over to my cousin in the doorway.

"Oh, so what you sing now too?" Shao scoffs at me.

  "Yeah." Boo answers for me.

  "And she's damn good at it." Dizzee adds smiling at me.

"I blew her off to get that flash tape, so I owe this to her." Zeke explains as he begins tugging me out of the door.

  "I'm gonna have those rhymes though, I'm gonna have the rhymes!" He yells over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm trusting you books, make 'em good!"

  And we were off jogging down the street to the back entrance of Pastor Ramon's church. Zeke pulls me through the alley and pulling the heavy door open as we rush in.

  "It's about time!" Mylene greets us as we come into view. I leave her and Zeke and walk over to Yolanda and Regina.

  "Here, put this on." Regina hands something to me and I unfold it suspiciously. My face twists up in disgust as a dress hangs from my hands in front of me.

  "What don't give it that look, it's the look they're letting Mylene go for, so that means you too." Yolanda informs pushing me to the bathrooms.

  "Fine." I groan walking into the bathroom to change. I push myself into the innocent wholesome dress and walk back out to the girls.

  Zeke looks at me as I walk on the stage.

  "Wow, this church does work miracles."

  "Shut up, fool." I snap as I take my spot next to Yolanda and Regina.

  "Let's go."

  Mylene went through the song as we sang out the background. I swayed my hips around the beat with Regina as Yolanda danced around us.

  "Come set me free!"

  The song continued letting us move and sing more with each other. The beat took over the break down of the song hit letting us dance more. Jackie popped up on stage dancing to the beat.

  "Come rescue me." Mylene sang as the break down ended. We sang out again still dancing around genuinely having pure fun with it. Regina's smile wouldn't stopped as she shook her hips to the song next to me. I laughed following her lead as we sang out the rest of the song.

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