{ A Purple Crayon }

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Pretty women wonder where my secret lies?
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion models size.
But when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies.
I say, it's in the reach of my arms.
The span of my hips.
The stride of my step.
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman phenomenally.
Phenonmenal woman,
That's me
~Maya Angelou

 Phenonmenal woman,That's me~Maya Angelou

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"Maybe it's suppose to symbolize creativity or some shit." I offer to Shao. After we were done messing around we decided to actually think about what Grandmaster Flash could mean, by giving us a crayon.

"Like, what if it's suppose to tie the universes together, and- and it like unlocks the mystery to why everyone is here?" I add, glancing around as they all give me strange looks.

"I'm down for that." Dizzee nods.

"Nah, it's gotta be something else." Zeke disagrees with me, still staring at me weirdly. I sigh leaning my head back on the sofa.

"Hey, what if- what if there ain't no mystery man?"Ra-Ra pitches in from across the room.

"Yo, what are you talkin' bout man?" Shao questions, refusing to believe that he could have been played. Ra-Ra smacks his lips leaning off one of the tables to cross the room.

"Look, man what if-what if Flash just straight played us man?" Ra exclaims as he reaches Shao, Dizzee and I's spot of the sofa.

Boo-Boo moves in annoyance to Dizzee jerking the crayon from him and stops in front of Shao. I turn to face him as he waves it in his face.

"We're staring at a crayon!" He lifts his foot on the sofa moving closer to Shao. "A crayon, like we're Special ED!" He shifts his weight completely to stand on the edge of the sofa fully in front Shao. "And the only mystery I know, is how yo ass fell for that shit!" he yells.

Shao lunges at him grabbing him by the arms and lifting him slightly. I scamper out of the way as Shao dumps him into my previous spot as the boys chorus their protests against Shao's actions.

"Grandmaster's real!" He releases Boo backing away barely an inch. "I'm real!" He hits his chest with his fist to further prove his point.

"This crayon, I don't understand it yet, but it's real." Shao continues. Dizzee moves from next to me.

"And if you ain't real, it's time to bounce ya little midget ass outta here, and go find Snow White and the rest of the Six Dwarves!" Shao moves from over him turning to the rest of us." He moves across the room glancing at all of us. "And you too!" He yells in Ra-Ra's face. I glance over at Dizzee as he grabs the crayon going over to the wall situated behind us. I watch as he runs the crayon across the wall. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I try to figure out what he's doing.

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