new girl at school

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Sakura walked to naruto's apartment to see why he and sasuke didn't come to the academy that day .
She knocked on the door and naruto answered looking like he just woke up .
" you look horrible , what happened ? " she asked him seeing him so tired .
Naruto then invited her inside to sit on the couch but then realised sasuke was fast asleep on his couch .
He had a orange blanket on him with his right leg out of his blanket . sakura began to laugh a bit by his appearance . naruto and sakura sat down on his bed . naruto explained what had happened and why they weren't at the academy .

She then understood why they weren't there all day .
" oh well not much happened at the academy its just that there's a new girl there " she said getting his attention .
" a new girl , what does she look like ? " he asked interested .

" well uh let's see she has blue hair with white eyes and , oh her skin was fare not too pale not too dark ya know " she said making naruto remember the girl from before at the training grounds .
' this is not goodhe thought to himself .

The next day .

Naruto was trying to avoid the girl from the training temple place . he didn't know what to call that place but what he did know is that he can't go back there not now . only the girl was there the two guys weren't .

Naruto sakura and sasuke sat at their seats waiting for iruka to show up .
" ok class you will soon be taking the genin exams to become an official ninja " iruka said with a smile . naruto smiled a goofy smile as he was gonna become a real ninja .
The rest of the day was spent dodging that girl from the other day .

Sorry for such a short part guys was running out of stuff to write about.

Naruto ninja academy days Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora