skills check

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The whole class walked out onto the yard so iruka could check their skills . he called up ino first .
" ok all I want you guys to do is hit that log over there " iruka said and pointed to a log across the yard . ino went first and threw 4 kunai , but only 2 hit the log .
" ok nice job ino next sakura " sakura threw her four and only 2 landed .
" ha I beat you ino pig " sakura said .
" no you didn't we got the same " ino shouted , then ino and sakura got into a full on argument.
Sasuke just got annoyed with their bickering .
Naruto stood their and took out 4 kunai and began to play with them . sasuke saw this and smirked .
" your gonna hurt yourself doing that " he said and walked over to naruto .
" maybe " he said and put three away and continued to play with the one .
" this is boring I could easily finish this " sasuke said to naruto .
" yep, me too my father taught me before he died " Naruto said looking down .
" my older brother used to teach me before he betrayed me and my clan " sasuke said in a cold voice , one that could make you stop in your tracks.
" my father got killed when I was 2 years old " Naruto said looking at sasuke .
" min died when I was 4 because my older brother... Killed my entire clan " he said becoming angry thinking of that same night .
" sasuke your turn " iruka said . sasuke walked over with his hands in his pockets , all the the girls screamed and cheered at that .
He pulled out 4 kunai did a twist flip and threw them while still in the air . he landed on the ground , as all four kunai hit the log . everyone cheered on shock .

" next umm naruto " iruka said looking at him .
Naruto walked in front of the log . he the did a front flip throwing kunai while he was still in mid air. Everyone was in shock about what just happened . the brat of the leaf just laid a bullseye on the log .
Naruto walked over to sasuke and stood there next to him .
" how was that " he asked him sasuke looked at him.
" fine " was all he said .
" o-ok now that that's done we will be sparring against each other " iruka said and looked at the class to pick two people to spar .
" sasuke " the girls all cheered at that .
" and maybe , naruto " iruka said everyone watched as naruto and sasuke stood there about 5 metres apart from each other .
Until they both pulled out a kunai each .
Naruto closed his eyes then ran at him sasuke did the same .

-----naruto pov ----

I ran at him kunai in my right hand as I was about to scratch him he did a front flip over my head . I smirked as I found out he tricked me . he landed on the ground and weaved some hand signs and said .
" fireball jutsu " and shot a fireball at me I created a solid shadow to jump on .
I bounced off my clone to dodge the attack and threw my kunai at him . he did a cartwheel to dodge .
I landed on the ground and created two more clones . both ran at him at full pace and tried to punch him .
He grabbed both their fists and blocked my attack .
The clones then grabbed his arms he tried to break free but couldn't .
I ran at him and kicked him in the stomach making him fly back .
Everyone watched as they thought I had defeated him . then the sasuke I kicked disappeared in a cloud of smoke .I then turned to see the real sasuke standing two metres away .
" you almost had me there " he said I smirked and created two clones . me and my clones ran around in circles crisscrossing each other .
Till we stopped and stood in a line . I saw sasuke sweat because he couldn't tell which was the real one .
" wow I can't tell which is real " sakura said to ino .
" ya, they all look the same " ino said .
Sasuke used his fireball jutsu and shot all of them , all three of them disappeared .
Everyone was shocked at the fact that none of them were the real ones .
I then tried to kick sasuke but he blocked. Sasuke and me both did backflips to get away from each other .
We both then ran at each other at full pace , pulled back our arms and jumped up . after that we launched our fists forward and punched each other in the face . sasuke flipped back broke through a branch and then broke through a wooden fence .
I flew back tumbled then broke through into a window and broke through it landing in a classroom and landed and broke on someone's desk .
Everyone outside was shocked at what happened .
Sasuke then stood up and dusted himself off and limped to the middle of the yard .
I got up off the broken desk and went towards the window .
I hopped out the window as everyone in the classroom watched . I walked over to sasuke clutching my arm I had shards of glass in it . me and sasuke met in the middle we both stared at each other . then I just burst out laughing while sasuke smirked .
" ok that's enough for one day naruto and sasuke are you two alright ? " iruka asked concerned .
" ya we're fine we're just gonna go to the hospital " I said trying to stop laughing .
" I'll go with you two " sakura said to us .
" fine by me " I said and grabbed sasuke's arm and put it over my shoulder to help him walk .
Sakura ran into the school grabbed our stuff and ran out with us to the hospital .

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