49) You Were Raped While Kidnapped And He Saves You (Requested)

Start from the beginning

*Next Day*

Your back was all wiped up, pain was all you felt and your captor knew it. "Lets go, your boy toy is coming now." He hissed and he grabbed you by your arm harshly. You grunted in pain but didn't bother to scream, knowing that it would make things worse for you. He pulled you outside and once he saw Niall, he shoved you onto the ground, your face slamming against the ground. "Princess!!" Niall shouted and he ran over, cradling you to his chest. "I've got you now." He whispered and the captor sighed in anger. "Money Horan." He hissed and Niall threw the bag of money at him. Your kidnapper grinned and his eyes widened as he heard police sirens. He ran into the woods and Niall held you tightly. You yelped in pain and Niall looked at you confused. "Whats wrong, did he hurt you?" He asked and you slowly lifted up your shirt, showing him the five lashes that were on your back. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." Niall mumbled and he turned you around so that you were looking at him. "I swear on my life that I will never ever let that happen again Y/N. I'm not letting you get hurt like this EVER again." He said and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you Ni." You whispered and he wrapped his arms around your waist with a small smile. "I love you too Y/N."

Liam- "What do you want from me?!" You shouted as he tied you to the chair. "Nothing from you except maybe some alone bed time." The man said darkly and you looked at him with disgust. "You're a monster!!" You yelled and he smiled evilly at you. "I know." He walked out of the room and you sat there, wondering how you could get out. You remembered how your phone was in your pocket so you quickly grabbed it and dialed Liam's phone number. "Hey baby, where are you?" Liam asked and you heard the mans footsteps come from a stairwell nearby. "Abandoned warehouse, seven blocks from our house, license plate BKL-2946, black convertible. Black hair, blue eyes, American. I love you LiLi." You said quickly and before Liam could say anything, your captor came in but he didnt see your phone so you quickly put it in your pocket. "Now, lets have some fun." He said darkly and he untied you, dragging you up stairs. "This is a really big stairwell." You said, loud enough for Liam to hear and the man smirked. "Sometimes, girls don't cooperate fairly so we go here." He said and you shuddered in fear. "Here we are." He said and you saw a small mattress, covered in dirt and filth. "Holy shit." You swore once you realized what was about to happen. You quickly ended the phone call so that Liam didn't have to hear what was about to happen. "You can lay down sweetie, don't worry." "I fucking hate you and you will rot in hell!!!" You screamed and he punched you to the ground, your vision blacked out.

*Waken Up*

You groaned softly when you felt a pounding sensation in your skull and you slowly opened your eyes. "Where the hell am I?" You asked softly and you noticed an IV next to you. "Thank fucking god I'm done with that monster." You muttered and you heard someone gasp nearby. "Baby." Liam said softly and he hugged you lightly. "Do you remember anything?" He asked and you nodded your head. "Yeah, I remember ending the phone call but then I blacked out." You said and Liam sighed. "He was raping you as the police came in the door." Liam said softly and you nodded your head. "I knew he would, he punched me, blacking me out which I'm happy about. I didn't feel anything." You whispered and a tear fell down your face. "It's ok, you're not pregnant and your cheek will heal quickly." Liam said and you hugged him tightly. "Hospital?" You asked and he nodded his head against your neck. "Hospital." He said and you both stayed there, hugging with him kissing your neck lightly until the doctor came in, telling you what you already know. "You can go home now if you would like but if you don't mind, we would like you to stay the night just to make sure." The doctor said and you nodded your head. "I'll stay, rather safe than sorry." You said and Liam smiled proudly at you. "Alright, your boyfriend can spend the night and I will check on you later Miss.Payne." Your doctor said before she walked out of the room. "Can we cuddle?" You asked and Liam quickly pulled you into his chest. "Of course baby girl, anything for you." He whispered and he kissed the top of your head lightly. "I love you LiLi." You whispered and Liam lifted your chin, connecting both of your lips, his bottom lip under your bottom lip. "I love you too." He said into the kiss and you both sat there, kissing until you both need your breath. You both stared into each others eyes with a smile and then cuddled, both of you falling asleep in each others arms.

Zayn- (BSM Age 12) You were balling your eyes out at the excruciating pain that was in your lower area, your captor smirking at you. "Next time, don't be a bitch." He spat at you and he walked out of the room with satisfaction running through his body. "Zaynie." You cried out, hoping he would hear you but you knew he wouldn't. "Zaynie." You sobbed again and you held your stomach tightly to try and lessen the pain, which it did for a minute but then the pain came back even more powerful. "Zayn." You cried out and you heard commotion outside your prison door. You tried to stand up but you quickly fell to the ground because of the pain. You shook your head with determination and stood up, ignoring the pain as much as you could and you hid in the closet that was in the room. "Baby girl?" You heard a man say and you held your breath. "Y/N, its Zaynie." Zayn said and you gasped. "Zaynie?!" You said in shock and you opened the closet. "Baby." He whispered and he ran over, hugging you tightly while you struggled to stand. He pulled back slowly and looked at your shaking figure. "Are you ok?" He asked and you fell to the ground with pain. "It hurts Zayn!!" You screamed and Zayn looked at you with shock. "What hurts?!" He asked in a panic and you pointed to your lower regions. "He took advantage of me." You sobbed and Zayn hugged you tightly, rubbing your back softly. "That son of a bitch is gonna fucking die for hurting you baby." He hissed and he picked you up bridal style. "Lets go to the hospital baby girl." He whispered and you cried into his shoulder. "Please don't leave me alone." You whispered as the doctors walked into your room and he nodded his head. "Never." He promised and he stayed with you the whole time.



Thanks to LaurenWilcox for requesting this preference, it took a while but I finished it =) Threw a BSM into this one, it was a little easier yet more difficult if that makes sense.
Vote if you enjoyed, comment, request, add to your lists and I will see you guys in the next preference that I make.

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